
The fried noodles are better than the dried for eating uncooked.

I really just need him to be working on Dune, like eating and sleeping and breathing it, until the moment it hits my eyeballs.

We used to do that too. Well, my family at least. Anytime I told someone else about it they’d look at me like I was crazy. Speaking of crushing up noodles, last weekend I found a variety in the snack aisle at the Asian grocery store where crushing them up in the bag was the expressly labeled purpose. First time I had

I like Edgar Wright, but if he’s ever hired for a Bond movie, they may as well just write the “departed due to creative differences” press release the same day so that it’s ready when the time comes. Good director, bad fit.

Her 2: Him Hamm

Her 2: Him.

This is the most flawless thing ever.

He made an impassioned speech today about partisanship stopping any progress and how Congress is not subordinate to the President and is an important check in his power, immediately after he voted yes on party lines to advance the ACA repeal that Donald Trump has ordered congress to get done.

That excuse makes no sense to me. That problem is trivial to fix in matchmaking. You match grouped players either against other grouped players, or with slightly stronger-than-normal solo players to compensate for the team advantage. You know, same way every other shooter handles this problem. Overwatch does this and

I’ll just say it first....ASGARDIANS OF THE GALAXY!

Yeah, I’m more or less in the same boat. I don’t know a lot about the Inhumans and was looking forward to their movie when it was first announced, but after having learned more about them, I’ve lost a ton of interests. It’s due to Marvel pushing them as a replacement for the X-Men when they’re totally different from

Same but this is just a funny so not going to sweat it to much.

They’re not very story heavy, but the turn based campaign and the real time battles are very different games, and each strong on their own. A lot of people,myself included, have never played a campaign, and play only battles. If you like intense real time battles with a huge variety of units, factions, and tactics,

As someone who’s a big fan of both Warhammer and Total War, I’d say that Total War: Warhammer is not the place to go to learn about the “content” of the Warhammer world, but it’s a good way to get immersed in the “feeling” of the Warhammer world whilst also having a solid strategy gaming experience. Total War games

À chacun son goût.

Maybe there are two mysteries afoot.....

I had essentially zero experience with the Total War franchise, and pretty limited knowledge of the Warhammer Fantasy universe, and this game got me pretty solidly addicted to both. You won’t get too much of the setting lore from the game, but it’s not hard to find if you want to read more into it.

You won’t learn much about the Warhammer Fantasy setting or characters from this game, but it is still very enjoyable even if you don’t know the setting. You’ll want to read the books if you want to know the lore. There are a lot of Warhammer Fantasy books, and they’re surprisingly good. I figured they would be bad

I knew ZILCH about the Warhammer universe, but I got the game cause I always wanted a TW game, and I love fantasy settings. I’ve learned a bit about the world and the players within, but it’s not a treasure trove of info.