
Surely apple will reduce the costs by the $50 for the brick and headphones though, right?

Yeah I can’t fault the trailer/show itself that was always just kind of a weird property to choose to make a serialized anime out of considering the story isn’t necessarily what people did like about the game 

Took me a while to realize that all the “Whoa” replies weren’t sarcastic responses (well, maybe they also were) but references to Blossom lol. 

It 100% was lol 

What’s that phenomenon where you learn of something and all of a sudden start seeing it everywhere? Because that’s Joey Lawrence for me: I don’t think I knew him at all before this week, and randomly this week listened to 2 different podcasts (one episode was from like 2017) that both mentioned Joey Lawrence, and now

I’m coming in completely blind, any specific series to focus on or any specific place to start? Or is it just a single series and I should just read that normally? Comics can sometimes be confusing with multiple separate series, etc

I dunno if I’d go so far as to say “refreshing” or otherwise treat it positively but I’m definitely surprised at how negatively people are reacting to the so-called “drought.” Obviously I want more news to be excited for, but I’ve seen people react as if they think that Nintendo is abandoning the Switch like they

Hmmm I’ve always thought of it to be a fantasy problem writ large as opposed to something specific to WoW, but I guess as someone who would’ve been represented by Pandaren, it was always more weird than necessarily offensive, and not necessarily restricted JUST to the non-human races. The way I framed it is that on

When you get to such large numbers, it doesn’t really matter. 4.5x10^27 is only, well, 4.5 times larger than 10^27. 10^27 is such a massive number that the 4.5 is irrelevant 

Yeah I was making a Hawaiian spam fried rice around when COVID started and had the exact same reaction.

It definitely seemed like tuna was more expensive, but I wasn’t sure if that was just my brain playing tricks on me and maybe I was just misremembering. Tuna was always a good cheap meal for when I was too lazy to cook but recently whenever I went to get some, even pre-Covid, it just seemed to be pricier than I

I’m an idiot...knew that the character was played by a big guest star but for some reason couldn’t place Mark Hamill

No joke this will be the 4th time I’ve started this. Managed to hunt down a Wii copy back in the early days of its rarity but didn’t really wanna play a 100+ hour JRPG in front of my TV, then got it on the N3DS since I’d rather play it portably (and I usually don’t care about graphical fidelity but it really was way

Divinity Original Sin 2 is wayyyyy more playable on Switch than PoE thankfully, and Disco Elysium is way more text-based than either of those 2 so there’s that going for it too.

Claire being so annoyed and trying to talk and bring up how much chocolate they wasted was great

The intertwining timelines of It’s Alive: Sourdough-nuts and Gourmet Makes: Starburst are an amazing hit of shared cinematic universe, it’s great

What I would give for a Salsa Verde Doritos Locos Taco! That flavor is perfect for a DLT 

I mean...look at the 2 most popular consoles this generation: Switch and PS4. Exactly how much backwards compatibility do they have? 

Not to make this a debate about semantics, but you removed the part of the sentence that basically gave the whole statement context. The point is to say it’s impressively powerful BECAUSE it matches up with current high-end PCs. I mean there’s a reason Fahey wrote the entire statement as a single sentence, because

When the PS4 and Xbox One released they didn’t have the most powerful hardware available, especially on the CPU side.