
As someone who’s never played Mahjong, kinda surprised how much it’s taken off in FFXIV. Loads of people on the subreddit are playing it and talking about it, which is especially surprising when you mention how long games can take

Just from the headline it seemed like an eye-roll worthy name, but the fact that Keene is the town it’s in, and the logo really doesn’t draw any attention to it (the “great” part doesn’t even seem like it’s part of the restaurant name) honestly does make it more OK than something like “Pho King” 

I guess Ruffalo/Holland shows maybe why shows and movies do this, but I actually kinda think it’s weird when shows/movies are like “we kept so many secrets from the actors and never let them see the whole script!” and stuff like that. I mean, actors are supposed to be professionals and adults, you’re paying them

Might be the saltiest I’ve ever heard Jason hahaha. I don’t think all of Kirk’s were thaaaaat easy/safe, but Jason’s were absolutely riskier. Always look forward to these every year though

I mean Gita’s review isn’t the only one that said its story isn’t good

I mean, the movie’s literally about one part rural and one part urban. There’s nothing that says both characters have to be the same ethnicity, and newsflash, Japanese-Americans exist in cities!

There’s pretty clearly more Japanese-Americans than there are white guys in feudal Japan. 

The touch screen is criminally underused on the Switch. I’m not asking for it to be used like in gameplay and stuff, but come on, at least do the menus! 

I guess if the Japanese rights holders want an Americanized version then that’s cool, but I definitely agree that a “Westernization” that involved Japanese-American characters would be great (though admittedly I don’t know too much about the source material)

I think your overall point takes a hit with the “obvious indies” dig. You brought up something like Banner Saga, and to me that’s as much an “obvious indie” as what’s on Jason’s list.

Man, the Ant-Man and the Wasp one is good.

I keep editorial as removed from this process as possible and forward such requests to the business part of our company, which manages Kotaku and our sister sites.

I’ve always enjoyed reading your work over the years (but you’re too hard on mini-maps) and am a regular listener of the podcast. Sad to see you go but good luck on your future endeavors! 

Yeah there’s like Smashburger, Jamba Juice, etc. Guess I haven’t flown out of SFO in a while because it completely surprises me to hear there’s not a lot of fast food places at SFO

I fucking love Popeyes but that was the first thing I thought of. Even though I love the smell of their fried chicken, not really the thing I’d want to spend a couple hours trapped on a plane smelling 

Yeah I definitely enjoyed the original pre-ABz High and Mighty episodes they did even though I never watched the movies they did (love Stanger’s Arnie impression), but the monthly Patreon cost was a bit of a barrier. Really may have to just go for it though

But if 5G delivers tha bandwidth it promises, someone’s likely to decide to differentiate with unlimited access, and it will eventually push the market in that direction.

Maybe I’m completely misunderstanding 5g, but isn’t the answer to “why you’ll still need wifi” just data caps? Amazingly fast speeds for 5g is great but not if I’m still capped at like 4gb a month or something. Sure, normal internet can have data caps too but it’s not that low

Damn, the description of Stanger-bot really makes me want to listen to ActionBoyz. Loved the original incarnation when it was just on High and Mighty, but I’m not enough of an 80s action movie fan to subscribe on Patreon...but Stanger is one of my faves and that bit sounds hilarious, might make it worth it 

At first I didn’t read the whole post and spent a minute trying to see what was so bad about “PATRiiot” then I read the post....holy jesus