
Totally agree; if anything, making a fake handicap placard to stick inside your car is probably easier to get away with, yet people don’t really do it. 

I’m of two minds about this. At the end of the day, it’s just the name of food, and that can be taken both ways: it’s insignificant, so it’s probably not worth raising concerns over and maybe not really that harmful/offensive; but, it’s also insignificant, and changing the name isn’t that huge a deal. The people

Would the new scenes worked if spliced into the original? Or do they comment/joke a bunch about the toned down scenes? Cuz if the Savage scenes get released as an extra I’m sure someone would splice them in but not sure if they’d still work 

Hot damn, having Transformers voiced by Angela Bassett and Justin Theroux is awesome.

Jesus $640 for all that is an absolutely insane price

Slightly off-topic, but what’s a good way to go from “complete Smash noob” to slightly competent? This is my first Smash game, and I’m making it through World of Light and having fun. I have the Prima guide (I like collecting guides) but it’s definitely way more a tome of information for experienced players than a

I’m usually super anal about spoilers, but this headline didn’t even register to me as a spoiler even though I had to wait til yesterday to watch the episode. “The Good Place resets itself again” could mean like a million different things 

If you watched the stream they essentially said “PC Release TBD, wait for the Spring event” so it’s up in the air exactly when we’ll get the expansion on PC. 

Shamelessly stolen off Reddit but apparently the footage of Ant-Man at the end has the word “archive” in the upper left corner, which maaaaay hint harder at some time shenanigans. 

I think this might actually literally be the first time we’re hearing about the date change haha

His hair was just too long with the beard. I think short/normal hair with beard could be pulled off (same way I much prefer Thor’s new look)

Endgame is a decent title but it absolutely did not warrant any of the hullabaloo about not revealing it lol 

Unbearded Cap you beautiful glorious bastard good to see you again

Hopefully they outsource it to someone like Panic Button...

It’s kinda wild that this is coming to the Switch hahaha

Absolutely what I thought of, either MvCI or one of the Marvel mobile games. Still don’t love the art style but the gameplay does look cool, and I’ve always wanted to play Ultimate Alliance 

Itum’s right that MoviePass’ biggest challenge now is to restore users’ faith that they aren’t going to get jerked around again.

UberEats allows you to see the driver’s route in the app

Lol googled her name and found this article from 2007, also in Oakland:

As someone who would’ve gotten my free slice from this exact location had it not been slammed, guess I naively thought “there can’t be THAT many people in Northern Virginia who’d want a free cheesecake slice at 11:30 in the morning“