
Same, probably hyped myself up a bit too much...but they also haven’t really shown much overall since this seems to be pretty similar to the first teaser, that means more brand new stuff when we actually get to see the film

but social hierarchies exist, they start in elementary school, they continue on into the working world, and if you want your kids to figure out how to navigate them then leave them the hell alone at school.

I’m sure there’s an upper limit to when it’s OK to still do so but I think that upper limit might be like....age 5 or 6 or something? 10 is bananas

Yeah most don’t but Monster Hunter has been receiving kick-ass digital ones for their releases 

Awesome, super informative, thanks!

Wonder what the caveats are with texting. Not 100% sure what “not able to text over WiFi” means, is that like sending non-iMessage texts when you’re only connected to WiFI and not normal cellular service? And I wonder what settings you’d need to update to get non-iMessage texts working in general

Did they release a USB-C version of the headphones, to go along with the Lightning versions? Still really no good reason they got rid of the jack...

So, so annoying that they took away the spicy chicken biscuit. Didn’t even realize it was a limited-time item so I was blindsided when trying to order one and they said they didn’t have it 

I have to agree with you, if I’m literally paying for nostalgia, I kinda want it to be...nostalgic, AKA a rosy “misrepresentation” of the past. These retro consoles really aren’t going for “accurate representations of the past,” or else they’d kind of just be rereleases of those old consoles with all their old

I posted the link to the YouTube one in another comment, and it’s pretty complex; maybe you can take a look at some of the steps and see if it’d modifiable to work with other embedded videos!

No need to make it yourself, you can just copy it

There’s an awesome one where you can save YouTube videos directly to your Photo Album for offline viewing, no YouTube Red/Premium/whatever required

lol Cloud appearing in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories on GBA is my favorite point to be pedantic about when people talk about Cloud and Smash, not really sure why hahaha

When I only had the prologue and Paris, I definitely replayed Paris a bunch of times and got a really good feel for it. But, didn’t get the rest of Hitman 2016 til I got the Legacy Pack for Hitman 2, and I actually am just gonna do every level once to completion all through Hitman 2 to fully “complete” the campaign,

It’s a copy, but from when you migrate the progress will be separate. 

And Civ VI is definitely the kind of game that benefits heavily from online multiplayer

Why do Nintendo’s sales targets get so much play? It’s not really something I see with Sony or Microsoft: sure, Sony will tout how many PS4's they’ve sold but I don’t think their execs are talking about their sales targets, nor do people just generally know what their target is for 2018 or whatever.

Yeah visually it’s actually really, really cool. And, the lack of music IS kind of striking, but I can see how its effectiveness can be a mixed bag depending on the person

IMO I’d say it’s not so much about realism for realism’s sake, but more about realism that leads to constraints.

Might not be a perfect solution for you but the pack of Hitman 1 levels for Hitman 2 is only $20, cheaper than actually buying Hitman 1 itself, so if anyone is kinda sure they wanna get Hitman 2 but still wanna play Hitman 1, that’s an overall cheaper option.