
Moving from California to the East Coast, I’m REALLY not used to a lot of these weird arcane laws regarding the sale of alcohol that weren’t a thing at all in California

I’d be fine with it only if that means the whole country does it at once, would be annoying to have to think about how the time zones differ based on whether or not it’s DST or not (I know Arizona already does it but, selfishly, I never really interacted much with people in Arizona but I’m from California).

What exactly do they mean by “cashier errors?” Only egregious things like “hey there’s some grossly incorrect number on the receipt” type things, e.g. being charged for 30 pounds of something instead of 3 pounds? Because it definitely seems like they take, like, 2 seconds tops to scan a receipt and I can’t imagine

I don’t totally get the excitement for the 2.0 versions of the AirPods, but part of that is a lot of the proposed features don’t really relate to me (like Siri or fitness). My one complaint about the AirPods, which may just be endemic of a lot of Bluetooth headphones and not specific to the AirPods, is connectivity

At least for me, the screen itself isn’t overwhelming to look at, but it’s definitely worse to use. Trying to use a large phone one-handed means trying to bring your thumb all the way to the top or all the way to the bottom of the screen and that’s super annoying on a large phone

I work from home and use my phone a lot from my desk. With TouchID I could easily press the home button to check messages, etc without picking my phone up from the desk. With FaceID I have to look directly at the phone or use my access code. Not a huge deal but kind of frustrating to lose a feature that worked so well

As someone who begrudgingly upgraded from a 7 to an XS, the screen size has been a much bigger issue than the home button. My biggest concerns about going from a 7 to an XS or an XR were the screen size and FaceID, and I didn’t even think that much about the home button at all. After like 2 weeks with the XS,

New moves, sometimes new monsters or new variants, higher difficulty. G-Rank monsters are definitely more different than the Arch Tempered stuff

Wonder Woman made $800 million worldwide, why not use a superhero movie as a comparison? It’ll inevitably get a box office bump just for being in the MCU, those are its comparables. If you think the movie will be boring, fine, but box office is probably the weirdest concern to have for the movie. Besides, Ant-Man

It’s 100% a first-world problem that I hate myself for caring way too much about haha.

After Infinity War I was super excited to read fan theories and stuff, but man the articles on comicbook and ScreenRant turned me off completely about wanting to find out more info

As an owner of a 128gb 7, the 128gb XR would’ve been perfect for me but it’s just way too big. Even the XS is already slightly too big for me which is annoying, but it’s the smallest of the new iPhones. I was never interested in the SE (didn’t have an iPhone until the 6) and I think the 6/7/8 are the perfect size but

How have you not even been INSIDE a Costco?!

Hahahah legitimately might be one of the top 3 surprising reveals of the entire show

For anyone who uses a password manager and uses auto-generated passwords, have you ever been in a situation where the password manager just didn’t work and you got locked out of an account or something? I’m slowly transitioning to LastPass and it’s worked so far, especially with the new iOS12 integration, but keep

You can only do so much when you’re given a pre-written script that anybody else would probably look similar if they did it. I gotta find somewhere near me that sells duck breasts that look that good haha

I dunno if I’d wanna eat the Arby’s version, but damn that looks good...maybe something to test out with my new sous vide cooker

Yeah the article should’ve mentioned how GotG-y the Suicide Squad trailer with Queen was, this is a good fit since they were already going for a GotG vibe with Suicide Squad

Not only that, but apparently the Slate doesn’t even have a headphone jack...Make fun of Apple all you want for getting rid of the jack on their phones but their iPads still have them lol. This is a grand 2 years after Google’s ad made it a big point that the Pixel had a headphone jack