
I dunno, at some point I do think it’s OK to say “this game gave me hundreds of hours of content, and a lot of free post-release DLC, maybe it’s OK that it’s winding down.” They’re almost assuredly working towards a G-rank release of some kind, maybe they’re content with letting the game kind of wind down then have

That would sound about right soooo theoretically hopefully that means the implementation doesn’t change with this update haha

I’m not sure where the option is, but I found it super helpful that Google Maps somehow knew when I was listening to a podcast or listening to music on Spotify. If I was listening to a podcast, the voice directions would pause the podcast, but if I was listening the music the voice directions would just soften the

I mean, I would hardly say the Overcooked creators “learned their lesson.” The first game by all accounts did well enough to warrant a sequel, I don’t see any “lesson being learned” there.

Honestly I’d wager that at this point most MCU directors AREN’T people who you’d think would be a good fit for a “big splashy special effects popcorn movie.” Sure, you could argue there was soooooome action in the Community episodes the Russo Brothers directed, but nothing that would hint they could pull off the big

Holy shit, if they give him the latitude to do what he wants....oh boy this could be awesome

Damn, $750? So like at stores like Best Buy or something?

Does discontinuing the X mean NO stores are going to sell them? Or just Apple stores? The Xs is a bit pricey, so maybe thinking of just going for the normal X, if I can find a 3rd party store that might have them for a bit cheaper afterwards (maybe clearing out old stock or something)

It’s a joke about how multiplayer in the original required GBAs 

Definitely the first notes reminded me of BotW

Also, download all the free DLC! Lots of free goodies that’ll help, like potions and stuff you can sell for lots of Zenny

Love my iPad Mini 4 and it’s still somewhat kicking and alive, and am definitely a little bummed that the line appears to be dead. But, for some reason just walking past Apple Stores the new 2018 iPads don’t seem to be that large, even though just checking Wikipedia they’re the same size as the first gen iPads which I

I guess it depends on why you thought Legion felt like a chore, but BfA isn’t really a massive reinvention of the leveling or endgame that WoW has always had

The group content may be WoW’s strength but the questing is what the vast majority of people do. Even taking into account LFR and counting that as raiding, more people do the questing side of things. I also don’t really think people are super-starved for more dungeons and raids. Sure, it’s nice to have more, but

Can’t say I’m crazy about the idea of it being a semi-prequel, especially to something pre-Avengers. Would’ve enjoyed something like a post-A4 grounded spy movie with either Falcon or Bucky (assuming Steve dies, and with the one who doesn’t become the new Captain America)

“softer, less click-y feel that is a little closer to the pre-2016 models’ chiclet keys.”

Man, I had the same experience: MapleStory was my first MMO, first real online game, and I was probably a similar age to you when I first started playing it. I remember trying to go to a friend’s house where he had faster internet so I could download the installer, burn it onto a CD, then bring it home and install it. 

If you read his comments on post credits scene, he may not be attacking people by name but he’s certainly basically shitting on anyone that enjoys post credits scenes or makes them.

I don’t disagree with his point but this is the dude that went on a way-overboard diatribe about post-credits scenes ruining the artistic merit of superhero movies. Like, he didn’t just say “I don’t like them” but he went scorched earth in a way that kind of evokes what he’s trying to argue against:

Eh I mean making a fried chicken sandwich at home isn’t the easiest. But I guess I see your point a bit. I’m just kind of surprised at how highly people rate it when it’s seemingly just like sandwiches and salad you would make at home for your lunch at an office job or something