
I think there’s too many flavors that are random or bad, but I agree, there can never be too many flavors

It’s like rectangles and squares. Yeah, all squares are rectangles, but if you see a square you’re not gonna be calling it a rectangle.

I can sooooomewhat see his point, since I guess like an HBO movie is considered a TV movie and gets Emmys as opposed to Oscars, but that kind of just raises the question of how the delineation between what gets considered for the Oscars and what gets considered for the Emmys should change with these new streaming

I listened to the podcast with her yesterday and finished it feeling...pretty confused. I really don’t know much about unions in general and I’m not super knowledgeable about how the video game industry actually works, but I just couldn’t understand why MacLean was so...against unions. Is there some specific reason

I used to not really care about indies like you but ever since I got the Switch I’ve been exploring some, and man a lot of them are really good. A lot of them are in genres that just aren’t being serviced by the market anymore.

It was like magic when I first saw it, didn’t even know it was a feature. I had just copied a link on my MacBook, then went to my phone’s browser to try something else and saw that I could paste what I had copied on my MacBook, so cool

Gotta say I’m a big fan of whichever college-age unpaid intern he has working his social media and PR, that was pretty funny

I mean, how much trouble did something like beertrade get them into?

I can understand banning hate subreddits but this is just lame.

Is skipping Yakuza 3 something a lot of people think? With Kiwami 2 coming out at this point 3 is the only one that requires a PS3 (since 4 and 5 can be played on PSNow) and I’m kinda meh about having to take out the PS3 again if I don’t really have to.

The setting is completely changed and the gameplay and tone are extremely different from the originals, so while this is still technically the same series in the same continuity, I’d be surprised if there really was any significant link to past games

Thought this comment section was gonna be a shitshow because of arguments over gun control...who knew it’d be a shitshow because of fucking controller branding

For me the appeal of these services is more “you don’t have to buy a huge pack of something if you’re only going to be using a little bit.” That’s especially the case if you’re getting some of the more unique recipes from Blue Apron, I don’t wanna buy a whole container of a rarely used ingredient, I want just the

Ted Cruz fucking sucks but he had a decent tweet response to Deadspin about him playing basketball and looking like a Duke basketball player

Anyone have any recommendations on a good smartphone version? This is giving me flashbacks to 5th grade and could see playing some old school Oregon Trail on the toilet being fun

Well FFXIV isn’t a shooter so it’s a bit different

That was because they dropped the price from $250 to $180, not even 6 months after launch. It was basically done so early adopters wouldn’t feel especially screwed over, because that was a case where they really were screwing over early adopters especially early

That’s kinda the point: they did that so early adopters WOULDN’T feel screwed over, because they essentially did screw over early adopters: the price dropped like $70 6 months after launch.

A lot of people were complaining about it, saying “ugh I hate how Nintendo treats early adopters.” Uh, do people not realize that’s how EVERYONE treats early adopters? Early adopters always get the short end of the stick, like you said

I mean boycotting it seems a little bit extreme, but I guess if that area sees a lot of horses maybe it’s not so crazy to take one in the drive-thru...still, the employee just said “please come inside to make your order” which seems 100% reasonable