
But we got more info on them and release dates which were sooner than a lot of people thought.

Eh I disagree. In terms of actually new stuff and not ports Switch had Octopath and Travis Strikes Again. Just those two alone trump stuff like a GameCube port and a DS port, IMO

The reflection of the logo showing up in her eye is god tier

OkamiHD! Always thought it was weird that it wasn’t coming to Switch, now that’s rectified!

I’m not sure which critics you’re talking about, but Iron Fist was lambasted and Defenders got meh reviews, and a pretty common critique of all the shows (even Daredevil S1) is that they drag on too much

Makes me wonder if someone’s recut these seasons into only like 8-10 episodes and how much better they are

Someone recut it with the original movie’s music and it was instantly 1000% better.

Awesome, thanks!

Unfortunately I eat way too much fast food currently for that to be true haha

Definitely agree with the overall point of the article, but I’m wondering: is there some sort of correction about the weight of the teen at the time? It could be possible that teens who were told about dieting were teens who were potentially overweight. Of course, there’s obviously shitty parents who are talking about

I’m actually in the opposite camp: I used to eat Wendys like ten years ago but stopped for a while, recently went back and outside of the nuggets wasn’t too impressed. I guess the repeated trolliness towards McDonalds can be annoying but generally I think them being slightly dickish is kinda funny. If not for their

Just wondering, is there a way to “fake” ultrawide? Like I have a 2560x1440p monitor, is there a way I could play something in 2560x1080p and have horizontal black bars above and below? It’d probably look weird, but I do think it might be interesting to try out to see if I like ultrawide

all the human and elven women in Warcraft lore are basically the same characters with different colored skin and hair.

It literally is about income inequality

Sorry you’re right, Bills fans have had it rough enough, don’t want to falsely accuse them of tossing salads in public

ESports now has its own version of “Buffalo Bills fans eating ass in the parking lot of the stadium!”

As for Ezra? No one has heard from him or Thrawn since the fight on Lothal. So now, with the Empire defeated, Sabine teams up with Ahsoka Tano—who, yes, is still alive after Return of the Jedi—to go and find Ezra.

Still disagree that splitting entrees is tacky (if it is, it’s a very puny amount tacky), but totally agree that ordering off the kids menu can be considered tacky

What issues do you have with it? The only issue I’ve been having recently is that sometimes I can’t drag a group of songs to one of my playlists

It’s actually hilarious how a spokesperson’s comments about attending the meeting essentially entirely invalidated the need for the meeting. God this whole thing is so dumb, this isn’t the 90s