
Could be New Orleans-specific household incomes, which is mentioned in the linked article

Same, I didn’t even know it was California-specific until like a few years ago. Thought it was just a standard type of meat like “brisket” and stuff.

Or, if you’re too young to know what IRC is but too old to know what Slack is (not sure if those age ranges even line up), it’s like AIM chatrooms for companies

If the dispute is successful then Uber agrees with him that it was a technical glitch. That’s not the driver’s fault so they’re not gonna be taking anything away from the driver.

I didn’t burn out per se but I do envy people who are still super into WoW as it’s in a really good state currently. My prime time was MoP, where I had an awesome guild and I spent a bunch of time every day playing and had a blast. For various reasons I fell out of it with WoD, came back in Legion for a bit but wasn’t

Uhhh...what? While I’m not super versed on book covers of the genre in the 70s, my idea of them was always that the sexist ones looked kinda like the one below. I honestly didn’t even notice she was in heels. Even if you think the heels are meh, it’s crazy to say that it’s in the same vein as old pulp covers.

Though Final Fantasy XIV puts on a great show, World of Warcraft is the most story-rich MMORPG going.

Yeah honestly his “crime” is not owning up to the fact that he drunkenly put in the wrong address and trying to find a way to get some of his money back. When it’s that costly a mistake, no reason not to try. He really didn’t do anything wrong enough to warrant any major insults or anything

Mooglemedia is somewhat similar to that. I don’t know if ALL jobs are on there but I’ve definitely used it for PLD and RDM.

I’d agree with you that Omega isn’t great and it’s lazily done, but the rest of the stuff is pretty well integrated into the lore of Eorzea. Things like the Crystal Tower or the Warring Triad were pretty well integrated with Allagan lore

I like playing on my own so much that in most games in the series I disabled the Palico as soon as I could. MH has almost always been a solo series for me

No joke I thought this was an Onion article since my RSS feed has The Takeout and The Onion hahaha

Wish more people used milkshake duck

but if you find anything interesting, start a new study to specifically test whatever you think you found.

I downloaded it for the hell of it (apparently if you’re in the first million you get it for free for life?) but I’m somewhat dubious that it’ll actually replace Instagram. All I’ve heard is that everyone is moving to Instagram, especially with Snapchat sucking now. I know people complained about Instagram changing

Ugh you’ve described my gaming habits to a T. I love starting games, and I’m terrible at finishing them. I have awful memory, so generally I’ll put 20-30 hours into a JRPG, get excited for a new one and start that one, and completely forget everything that happened so if I want to finish a game I have to start it over

I think the complaints about FFV/FFVI’s sprites are a bit overblown but man does this look bad. It’s pretty similar to Romancing Saga 2's ports, even on the Switch the mobile-ness of the port is off-putting

Wait what? Really? I feel like every time CP comes up in the news in regards to an American, the punishment they face is pretty severe. Is there just a really large overlap between people who possess and people who distribute?

If you’re not gonna put in work that other professions do and it’s not that much work then you really don’t have any reason to complain.

Awesome that it turned out OK! Will say it’s somewhat weird that someone had access to Messenger but not a phone. I guess they had a laptop/desktop but no landline and no smartphone?