
Of course, as head of the National Association of Theatre Owners, Fithian’s comments are financially driven

It’s not their responsibility but if cancelled/missed reservations really hurt them, I don’t see why they shouldn’t put in some effort to do something like that. I get text reminders about my dentist appointments so I can’t imagine it’s all that hard to do

Reading the last article, I feel like the best way to do it would be to have a punitive cancellation policy (you pay upfront) BUT give a reasonable amount of time to cancel. If you’re THAT popular, I think a 48-hour notice would be reasonable: I think popular restaurants could fill a cancelled reservation with 2 days

Gonna need citations on that. That fear may have applied to old hardware but certainly not new hardware. If the reduction in lifespan was that drastic in current hardware (newsflash, it’s not) that fact would be more widespread....but it’s not, because it’s a myth. Or, if it’s not a myth, it’s not true in a practical

Pretty sure that’s a dated misconception

Saw that this morning, awesome that the interviewer knew what he was talking about and was like “oh I’m on my 2nd winter” haha

Ugh been having this problem recently and thought it was maybe my shoddy building skills creating a problem. I usually turn off my computer so it’s not a common problem but every so often when I’d put it in sleep I’d wake up and see it turned back on which was so annoying.

Still waiting for the Naked Chicken Chalupa to come back...

Definitely the main thing I want. I don’t really care too much how they look but can’t argue that they’d be much more subtle if they were black. There are some services that paint them black for you professionally but they cost a pretty penny and take a while

He’s far from perfect—indeed, he’s a vicious killer. But he isn’t exactly a villain, either.

Yeah it does depend on how well Pool Express works in practice. If you’re waiting a while for each ride and have to walk awhile, then that does suck. But, if you’re working late/odd hours and there’s no demand for Pool Express, I’d wager there’s probably not a lot of buses frequenting that area at that time either.

Well benefit and drawback depending on how you view it. You can accurately plan your life around a commute, but you HAVE to plan your life around a commute. Not a lot of flexibility.

It kind of basically is just like the bus but I can see advantages. Buses have to make a bunch of stops picking people up along the way, and are set on a defined path and timetable. If you’re not really close to public transportation, then the bus isn’t great. Though I guess Uber Pool’s benefits really depend on how

W’Kabi in general was a bit underserved. It kinda seemed weird that he’d turn on T’challa so quickly.

I thiiiiiink the fly swatting thing vaguely has to do with air pressure or air resistance or something? I just saw it answered a couple days ago and know air was a part of it and why fly swatters have the holes in them

From what I remember, the dialogue didn’t seem to match that he had been home, then left to extract Nakia, then came home again, all in the span of a week. I may be misremembering though.

Right but the end credits of Civil War have them all in Wakanda with Bucky, but then Black Panther kinda starts with T’Challa returning to Wakanda (if I’m remembering right)

As someone who’s not well-versed in comics, I immediately thought of the Witcher when I heard “white wolf” haha.

Same, but I’ve never pulled the trigger and just gotten all apps.

You can make your own fish? Incoming dick-fish in 3...2...1...