
Hey that’s Saul Goodman!

Man the way the announcer pronounces “success” is so weird haha

The fact that the email address of a contributor in a text guide from GameFAQS is used as evidence for this is fucking delightful for some reason

After many attempts to get Siri to find even basic information for me, she is now relegated to setting reminders and adding items to my shopping list.

Everyone knows you can only make comparisons if the things you’re comparing are also the exact same quality wise. /s

3rd party stuff certainly gets sales that go beyond 30%. Atlus games on the 3DS have been marked off like 50%

Wait haha why did you mean by “salad days of RPGs” in your Wired review?

I could maaaaybe see that? They don’t often release AAA Final Fantasy games, and I guess stuff like Deus Ex and Tomb Raider are infrequent, so maybe they don’t really release AAA stuff every year.

Was pretty excited about this even though I never played Minecraft before, so wasn’t sure if I’d like it. Played the demo and man is it a blast, really tough waiting for my copy to ship today. One thing I didn’t realize was a part of the game at all was the humor, which kinda breaks the 4th wall and really makes fun

You get a few main party members but the vast majority of the “characters” you can get (both male, female, and beast) are in effect “collectable swords”

IIRC Fahey was more positive on it but I don’t think we ever got full impressions from him.

No idea why but the director of the game literally spoiled that in the announcement about the patch too...

Completely agree about how small it felt. One of the main reasons why I thought Thor was so meh (hands down the bottom of my MCU rankings) is how small and inconsequential it felt, which is where we differ haha. I don’t think I wanted like a huge CGI battle (Dark World did some of that and I don’t like it much more

Holy shit that conversation was FANTASTIC, really makes me want to pick up DOS1 again. Been pretty intimidated by so much choice and having it not be a game that holds your hand and it being so long, but maybe I should just jump in and invest in it

Dodged that question twice haha

I don’t really understand your point. I don’t think these moves were ever truly portrayed as “if we do this, if we ban this content, this content will die out. The only reason this content exists is because it has a platform on our site.” They’re just a content platform that said “we don’t want this content on our

Awesome, I’ll look into that, thanks!

Is he in the trailer? Must have missed him, but damn, really like him so this cast is definitely even awesome. Hope the movie turns out OK lol

Tom Hardy? Michelle Williams? The guy from Veep? Not a bad cast, at least

Can you and your kind please fuck off back to Siliconera or Gematsu now? Thanks.