
Awesome, I’ll look into that, thanks!

Can you and your kind please fuck off back to Siliconera or Gematsu now? Thanks.

Thanks! Never thought of just having them wrap around in such a way that they’re not getting in the way of my feet, I was more thinking of just having a cover over all of the wires so they’re not exposed, but both ideas seem to work!

Do you have any recommendations for specific ones? My desk is up against a wall and I have all the cables for my PC and speakers and stuff running down against the wall and I’m always scared that I’m gonna accidentally pull on some cords with my feet, something like a sleeve seems like a better fix than zip ties.

At least in Northern California which might explain that lol. But still, they did and I’m so disappointed

I’m just mad they replaced the Very Berry Sundae with the Acai bowl, that very berry sundae was so good

Different servers have different housing situations.

At this rate, if they continue with this practice, they will never make it past 5.0 without seeing a frustrated community jump ship.

I’m pretty sure it’s a natural option

I “like” them just because most fries are at least somewhat good, but even as a California native who’s eaten In-N-Out my whole life, I can’t imagine thinking that their FRIES are what’s good. Their fries are very much subpar

In-N-Out and Five Guys are pretty damn different, you can see that just based on the prices alone.

I feel like I’m pretty friendly and outgoing but man I could not imagine a server ever doing this, that just seems like an invasion of personal space for some reason haha

Yeah even on desktop it’s a bit tricky

I do think it’s died down a bit, but this article really highlights why complaints/worries about Nintendo focusing on “gimmicks” are overblown now. The Switch does have a bunch of these quirks/gimmicks loaded in them, but for basically an entire year they mostly went unused, and Nintendo released a bunch of games that

Consensus is to start with 0, and then you can move to Kiwami, which is a remake of Yakuza 1

Calling a localization lazy isn’t necessarily calling the people doing it lazy, but considering the issues the translation had, and the fact that they had to redo a bunch of the translation after release, I think “lazy” is entirely appropriate.

1) Previous games dodged this issue by just not letting you do solo quests multiplayer. You couldn’t multiplayer the story quests, those were solo only. Doesn’t mean the way they did it in World is good though.

This is the first game I played on PS4 that had multiplayer so I wasn’t super sure if my issues were because I wasn’t used to how PS4 did multiplayer or if it was how MH did multiplayer but guess it ended up being MH haha. But, I did get pretty lucky, I play with some friends and that coupled with my knowledge of how

Ugh thank you for the High Sierra one, I usually install other updates but never really felt the need to update to High Sierra and it was so annoying that you couldn’t just dismiss the notification but had to let it open the App Store

I believe SOS are for ANYONE, not just people in your session. I’m not sure what is and isn’t working on XBox but if SOS isn’t working you could just join other online sessions and naturally quest with other people that way