
Yeah the problem is I almost exclusively play in handheld haha

I thought the complaint about motion controls would be a little overstated...but man, it IS a little aggravating. Some moves either outright don’t have non-motion control alternatives, or they don’t tell you them. The spin throw move’s non-motion control alternative is a little clunky and I’m sure the others are too

Once again, trivial, “motherfucking dipshit.” Pot, meet kettle

Holy shit, not only is this completely trivial, but you’re trying to make it seem more important than it is. Good luck with that

You’re pointing it out in a comments section of a tech blog. That’s almost the epitome of trivial, “motherfucker”

It’s “things you should know,” not “things you need to know.”

That’s a stupid issue that should’ve been fixed but technically to be fair that’s an iOS11 issue, not in iPhoneX issue

In the grand scheme of things, isn’t getting annoyed about people getting annoyed about this ALSO pretty trivial?

Same haha, I was like “why is this random person bringing up Drew in random conversation...”

Yep. IIRC it’s literally the only thing that ever made the MCU timeline confusing, and there was 0 reason for them to date it to what they did.

I’m not sure where they really originated but I do think their recent popularity started with Talking Dead, which would air right after each Walking Dead episode

Or the ones with the moving bug, so annoying

I think my main issue with these types of things that are said to be improvements (be it this, or something like switching over to Dvorak) is that they’re not ubiquitous. I spend about equal amounts of time on my PC and on my Macbook, and even if this is way ergonomically better, I’m still gonna have to be spending

Re-reading my comment I was confused why I sounded so negative, I think I made a typo and wrote “can’t imagine” when I meant “can imagine.”

Requires a good internet connection from your PS4 and to your laptop (Switch doesn’t require an internet connection at all) and at least for me playing on a laptop with a controller isn’t that comfortable, much more comfortable playing on the Switch in handheld mode

yet it gets good review because it’s from Nintendo and Nintendo games always get a break from reviewers.

I know true Hitman fans don’t like it but I’d look into following the “guided” Opportunities that are kinda like quests, if you follow those you do get a good feel for the map and later on can start doing your own thing and figuring out your own route

Is History Mode a good “endgame” mode and is it fun/replayable? 14 hours is a little short for the campaign mode. I’ve never played a Musou game (except maybe dabbling in Dynasty Warriors like 10 years ago) so not really sure in practice how History Mode works out but if it’s meaty, I may get this sooner. But if it’s

Is there a Razer Blade without an offset touchpad?

Battle/combat-wise, SMT is pretty similar to P5 particularly because of P5's negotiation tactics, which is pretty big in SMT.