
Maybe it’d be expensive to port but I can’t imagine TMS doing WAY better if it gets ported to the Switch. Not a huge success or anything, but I think a lot more people would get it if it came to the Switch

If you have a good internet connection and have an NVIDIA graphics card, you can actually play it away from home if you forward some ports. Of course when you’re away from home, requires you to have good wi-fi, but it’s worked pretty well for me. The GPD Win certainly seems like a good alternative too though

You probably won’t be able to play super fast-paced games, but playing the Witcher 3 with 60 FPS was fine enough over my wi-fi connection (it’d be a lot better if it was connected via ethernet and if I had better upload speed on my connection)

Why yes, yes I do mean Easter Aeg hahaha

At least for me, Thor is probably the MCU movie closest to “bad” but IMO I used “bland” because to me that really is the thing I remember most about was just kinda there haha

I have something kinda similar! I can stream my PC desktop to my iPad using Moonlight, and I have a game grip that makes it look like a Switch kinda, so if I have Wi-Fi I can kiiiiiinda use it like a Switch but I can play PC games (or anything my PC can emulate)

It’s now pretty consistently in stock at most places but that might change once the holidays hit

That’s why it would be an Easter Egg: it’s not supposed to be something EVERYONE gets. It’s a little treat for hardcore fans (like how MCU movies have tiny little teases for things that the casual audience won’t get).

I guess that’s a good analogy but I’m also thinking of other sports where players taunt the other team and it’s not covered at all...

Yeah that was my take. If you took the worst possible reading of this and thought he was being a dick and waving “bye”...guess what, that’s a huge part of sports: being a dick and being disrespectful to your opponent. It’s not that big a deal

It’s there but it’s only kinda funny and the rest of the movie is really, really bland.

I’m not saying that Shireen is referencing Aegon, but if it’s an Easter Egg from the writers it makes more sense that it’s an Easter Egg to Dunk and Egg, rather than Egg somehow referring to Daenerys’ dragon eggs

Considering how...bland and meh I thought the first 2 Thor films were, I’ll 100% take hilarious/not too emotionally impactful

Isn’t the Aegon/Egg thing just basically referring to Dunk and Egg? I mean I guess Aegon the Conquerer and Aegon/Egg are two different people but still, this seems like a major stretch.

and through substitution (of monsters for human ethnicities)

How do you even get into the mindset to think that it’s a Halloween movie at all?

Yeah what the fuck? Horizontal? Vertical? It’s clearly diagonal

Ugh DLC in a Layton game? And it costs more and came out months later? There’s really no good reason for this...Saw some meh reviews for it but was still pretty optimistic I’d like it but all this puts a bad taste in my mouth

I was OK with the title they had but man those two do you gave do sound really good....