
We have not found any evidence of having received allegations from Mr. Ballard that he was harassed in any way at Naughty Dog or Sony Interactive Entertainment.

Yep I bought it day 1 and have it downloaded, I just haven’t had a chance to play it yet (and maybe that’s a good thing, sounds like I should save it for when I’m less busy...)

Yep, Battle Chasers is another that I would probably never have known about but now that it’s coming out on Switch soon I’m pretty intrigued

Love the trailer, so excited for this movie, and when I first saw it I was so hyped for Killmonger’s suit...but I will say, “evil version of hero’s suit” is kind of old in the MCU at this point, no? IM1, IM2, Ant-Man

It’s linked to Strange Journey Redux which comes out in Japan in 9 days. The game comes out in the West in early 2018 so they may translate it when they start marketing the Western release next year

It’s linked to Strange Journey Redux which comes out in Japan in 9 days. The game comes out in the West in early 2018 so they may translate it when they start marketing the Western release next year

I would say it potentially refers to both, especially since Delita/Ramza/Prima Vista are part of the patch artwork.

I just love playing on the Switch, especially undocked, so much so that I’m now interested in a lot of indie games I normally wouldn’t be interested in because they were just on console/PC. I even owned Stardew Valley on PC and didn’t touch it but couldn’t wait to get it on PC. I don’t think I ever really even

God the raid and story were so good. My only disappointment was that the music was just a straight rip from FFT and not remastered or remade or anything, like past themes (but FFT music is still awesome so not too big a deal)

Plunkett’s been reviewing Total War games for years, I’m preeeeeeeetty sure he knows the reasoning behind the name

Friday the 13th, spooky shit happens I guess

Yeah you don’t lose 37-3 because of shitty refs

She looks pretty badass in the trailers, if she’s not a typical forgettable MCU villain I’m all for it

My comic book knowledge isn’t that great so I’ll defer to other suggestions haha

Everyone loves to rank Marvel movies. And down near the bottom on almost every single list are Thor and Thor: The Dark World.

Niiiiice, she looks pretty badass so it’d be awesome if she remained a big part of the MCU

Hoping for a $7.80 sailing game bundle

Kotaku, now the proud owner of MangaGamer and all its hentai visual novels

I totally get the complaints and even agree with them but the...passion with which they care about these icons is a bit much

A movie focusing on Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlett Johansson, Tessa Thompson (if she’s not just a one-and-done for Ragnarok), and Brie Larson would be damn good, since those are some pretty legit actors. Haven’t watched GotG2 yet but adding in Zoe Saldana and Evangeline Lilly would work too. Not sure who else I’m missing...