
The Sixth Sense is a very different movie if you go in knowing the twist. It’s like two movies in one: why would you choose to lose one of those forever?

Guess what: you can do that literally any time after you watch the movie the first time unspoiled. You can only watch a movie unspoiled once.

Stat squishes aren’t permanent, they said when they announced it that it’d have to be done every few expansions

Looks basic, but if it has a huge roster of Digimon that aren’t in Cyber Sleuth, I’m in. The thing I loved about Digimon is all the crazy different kinds of digivolutions and crazy looking Digimon, and if Links has a lot of those, I’m in

I feel like I’m pretty plugged in to the MCU and honestly isn’t the only real thing that caused timeline wonkiness Homecoming? If Homecoming didn’t try to date itself in reference to the original Avengers, I feel like the timeline wouldn’t really be confusing at all.

Ahh I vaguely remember someone telling me that back when I was playing W3.

Yep, and this game especially seems perfect on the go for the Switch

Nice! Seems like not a lot of research has been done on durians as a whole, so wouldn’t be surprised if it did end up being genetic. Always watched the videos of people eating/smelling durian for the first time and basically vomiting and never understood that

Yep! Had to re-login at like 2:58am and was scared because it was taking forever, but then about 30 seconds before 3am the green play button showed up. Never spam clicked so hard, think I was one of the first ones because the servers barely seemed to be up and no one else was on yet and had some graphical glitches. I

Is there anything genetic about not noticing the smell of durian? I’m Vietnamese (where they eat a ton of it) but I was born and raised in America (where there’s not a ton of durian) and I never knew why people protested so much about the smell. Maybe the occasional annual durian treat for me as a toddler inoculated

Is there anything genetic about not noticing the smell of durian? I’m Vietnamese (where they eat a ton of it) but I was born and raised in America (where there’s not a ton of durian) and I never knew why people protested so much about the smell. Maybe the occasional annual durian treat for me as a toddler inoculated

Woke up in San Jose and when I was going to my car it smelled like ash/smoke, thought there was a fire since I live next to a hill. Didn’t realize it was huge wildfires almost a hundred miles away til I turned on the radio

Woah! Remembered playing the original and loved it for feeling kinda like an accessible D&D romp that wasn’t fantasy. Been into fantasy board games lately and this looks right up my alley

I’m on Balmung...waking up before 3am and trying to get a small house in Shirogane might be the hardest thing I’ve ever done in FFXIV haha.

I had a similarly tough problem. For some reason I just couldn’t really wrap my head around Gwent, managed to beat the tutorial guy but the first Nilfgaardian guy whooped my ass and I decided not to play Gwent anymore haha

I dunno why but after learning about the Runaways when it was proposed to be a movie, I was always pretty intrigued by the idea. Glad to see it’s shaping up to be pretty good!

Except this article isn’t about someone trying to make a living off the ad revenue of a video...

So use the likes and dislikes. You know what Patricia/Mike/Jason think, you know what they rate highly and not highly, you know what kinds of things they like. Read what they write in the likes/dislikes section and that gives you a whole lot of personalized information from them, way more than a 6/10 or a “buy this”

In the first movie?! Man I’m pretty forgetful

Kaiju-Jaeger hybrid was going to show up