
100% agree. You really should have your logo in you game icon because of the way the games are laid out on Switch. But man, it’s so completely unnecessary to have reddit posts with 100+ comments on the front page of the sub every time there’s a subpar logo.

I have the AirPods and like them a great deal but I’ve never seen any convincing argument for why Bluetooth headphones are the “future” and why removing the headphone jack is necessary for that “future.”

I can totally understand the “complaints”: on phones, the name of the app is right below the icon, and the icons are small, so having an icon without the name of the game is fine. But that’s not the case with the Switch, where the names of the games AREN’T always visible, so having a minimalist icon, while striking

I remember being a 12year-old shit and boy was I smack-worthy

I also have a serious case of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) anxiety while playing this game. I worry I’ll miss cool side quests and side-story if I leave a certain area of the game or miss talking to a specific character. The poor vague quest direction only makes this much worse. There are also 6 characters you can quest

Never played CRPGs (or whatever this genre is called) before but picked up the first Divinity and only poked around in it, but it definitely seems like something I’d enjoy. But, reading this review kinda got me scared into getting into the series.

Damn, where does WFAA find all these “woke” white people? In Texas, of all places too?

Thanks! Another commenter suggested it and it looked pretty sweet so I ended up getting it today haha

Haha just ended up buying it! Saw there was an app to facilitate solo play, made it a no-brainer

Haven’t played both yet but from a bunch of players’ feedback of 1 and 2, many saw 1 as not having that great a story but 2 having a great story

Yeah I just poked around the first Divinity and it’s definitely pretty fun, but even the character creator seemed very daunting with so many different options and stats and attributes, which is why I was open to a simpler, smaller, more guided version of D&D

That definitely looks like something I might be interested in! Definitely realize it’s not “real D&D” but I kinda just want the tile-based dice roller for now

Same, it’s why I kinda want a video game version. Seeing my character with animations and cool environments would be awesome, the GM mode in Divinity might not be exactly what I’m looking for but the graphics look great

Nice! $80 is a bit pricey but if it’s pretty replayable I’ll have to check it out

I’m from the Bay Area and could easily see people not knowing who the SF Giants are. People might not know who the NY Jets are but the Patriots are 100% a household name

I’ve always been interested in D&D as a kid but I think that was a false perception of it as more of a turn-based, tile-based video-gamey adventure, I don’t think I ever realized that the main reason why people like it is the freedom in doing basically anything and having a huge breadth of available lore and game

Agreed, for some reason I just can’t wrap my head around how to play Puyo.

Where’d you see the 300k figure? I only see that on VGChartz.

Hoping we get the Collector’s Edition here!