
Just released the English name too, Nergigante

I believe that was in reference to a new IP from Tabata, the FFXV/Type-0 director

I mean I can do that right now, put my hand in my pocket and as I’m taking it out my thumb is on the home button and it’s unlocked by the time I see it

I mean outside of “my grip becomes tenuous” I just don’t see any advantage to a back scanner, especially when the grip thing is gonna be subjective to the person.

It’s pretty natural to move my thumb, which is interfacing with the screen, onto the home button since I press that anyways. I don’t have to pick up my phone if it’s on a desk to unlock it and use it

It’s pretty natural to move my thumb, which is interfacing with the screen, onto the home button since I press that anyways. I don’t have to pick up my phone if it’s on a desk to unlock it and use it

Maybe it’s because I don’t have the “Raise to wake” feature on but I don’t think I’ve ever accidentally unlocked my phone putting it in my pocket

Apple’s statement said the unlock failures were because non-Craig people were handling the device and it was trying to authenticate their if people who didn’t have their fingerprint on my iPhone kept on holding my phone and putting their finger on the Home Button.

On the back is pretty inconvenient IMO

This was never about Nintendo as a company. The title of the article is literally that the Switch is a punk console. You’re taking the analogy too far and being too restrictive with your definition of punk

When it comes to these, is security REALLY what people are aiming for? Passcodes are generally still secure and maybe even more secure than TouchID/FaceID but people don’t care, they want the convenience. I think it’s pretty clear that TouchID is more convenient than FaceID so even if there IS better security with

Apparently the Switch ports don’t run too well so I guess it’s not too big a miss here...unless they patched it since its JP release

You can be “Not afraid to be different” while also being beholden to shareholders and trying to make money as a business. Those aren’t mutually exclusive. Nor did Suda51 say he himself was punk.

In what world is calling your take “edgy” a personal attack?

That’s why my feelings towards XV are more disappointment than outright dislike: so many parts of it DID work. The core friendship and group dynamic was really, really good, and XV really did have the potential to build on that and incorporate it into an awesome and epic fantasy story, but it fell short of that.

Looking directly at your phone, and holding your phone to access TouchID on the back, are essentially the same in my eyes: it forces you to hold it in a way that you not always can. TouchID on the front? If my phone is laying flat on the desk (which it is for large portions of the day) I can easily use it fully

I never really liked fingerprint sensors on the back, on the front screen or on the home button is way more usable

I still think TouchID on the back is a step back from TouchID as it is now. FaceID and TouchID on the back, to me, have essentially the same disadvantages

While true, the MCU stories and the overall arc does seem different enough that it’s still work to establish the storyline.

True, the screen size is more in line with the +, that’s a good point