
Yeah for a group that seems so intent on making sure the Star Wars movies are in the right hands, it seems real weird that they seem to have don’t have an overarching narrative plan. The MCU sure seems to

Don’t cut yourself on that edge!

It would’ve been useful since I have AirPods but turns out you have to buy a new case for the AirPods for them to work here...I’d say shelling out for the mat and the new case is gonna be $100 and that’s kind of absurd just to not have to plug things in

I hope so because TouchID under the screen sounds awesome but wonder if they’re not going to, because they might think re-adding TouchID is considered a “step backwards”

I can somewhat understand the directors changing but what’s with all the changes in scripts/writers and stuff? Is that mostly for dialog? I’d imagine that they’d have the general arc mapped out for the trilogy but with the stuff with Johnson supposedly doing the story treatment for IX then not doing the treatment for

That’s my view on it. It’d totally be cool if for every Vietnamese character they found a Vietnamese actor but I 100% know that that’s realistically not feasible. I’m fine with the general “Asian actor plays Asian character” but like I said my views aren’t as nuanced, maybe there’s nuanced views that really delve into

Wait “kek” is now an alt-right thing? I feel like on subreddits for MMOs people still use it to reference WoW...but maybe I should stop using it?

And the screen is a lot better, but still not sure if that’s all worth $300.

Yeah just saw it, I guess I’ll have to wait for journalists to get their hands on it and try it out. I wonder how deep the angles are and how well it works. My iPhone 7 is on my desk right now and I’m at a really weird angle but I can easily unlock it with TouchID and use it. If FaceID can’t do that I think it’s a

FaceID still seems completely underwhelming compared to TouchID. Some leaks mentioned FaceID working at weird angles but they didn’t mention that at all

FaceID still seems completely underwhelming compared to TouchID. Some leaks mentioned FaceID working at weird angles but they didn’t mention that at all

It didn’t fail, it just had the thing where you have to input your PIN in before ID is activated (which happens with TouchID, like after a restart)

I never read the comics and started watching it last year and loved the first couple episodes, then stopped watching because I got busy. Always just loved how weird and crazy it felt, even if not that much happened. I didn’t really read this article since I didn’t wanna be spoiled for S1 and S2 but it kiiiinda seems

I know this is a pretty damn graphically demanding game and could be really, really taxing on the Switch hardware, putting it at risk of melting and shit, but surely the geniuses at Capcom can figure something out?

So little reason it’s not on the Switch. Okami was on the Wii and Okamiden was on the DS FFS


Maybe the position is just a “fluffy” position or like not really meant to be an impactful position, but he literally stepped down and gave up his spot, 100% not virtue signaling

I dunno, I think it’s fine. My view on this isn’t exactly fully nuanced but I think a lot of people identify as Asian American so one Asian American playing the role of another Asian American isn’t the worst. If they wanted to cast Constance Wu to play my mother in a movie about me, I wouldn’t really complain that a

Final Fantasy needs to be memorable, and as long as Yoshinori Kitase is in charge, that’ll be Square’s goal.

No, but they used copyright law to remove a video not because it violated copyright, but because they disagreed with the content in the video.