
They didn’t take away his copy of the game

Yeah the longer we go without substantil USUM news the more regret I have that I preordered the dual pack Steelbook...

Totally agreed. I’m pretty optimistic that it’s more than just a simple 3rd version and closer to B2W2 but GameFreak is making it really hard to support that notion

I believe the JP announcement for the direct specified that there’d be NO mobile news...wouldn’t be surprised if Animal Crossing gets delayed to next year at this point (but IIRC wasn’t Fire Emblem Heroes fully announced like very close to its release?)

It looks like the 8 is going to be a little bit bigger than the 7 but certainly closer to the 7 than the 7+ (and when I said bezel I was including the removal of the home button)

How Did This Get Made: GoT Edition.

My main issue with FaceID is that there’s plenty of times I’m using my phone without my face in view of the camera. There’s rumors that the FaceID camera will use a wider angle lens or whatever than what’s currently on the front camera so that might alleviate it. At least personally, the few times TouchID doesn’t work

From what I can tell because they’re removing the bezel and making the 8's screen go edge to edge, the phone itself will be the same size as the 7 but the screen will be bigger than the 7+

RSS is probably the biggest change/improvement to browsing since I started using the internet. Feedly on desktop and Newsify on iOS is what I use and it’s awesome

Not sure if the latest “8/8+/Edition” rumor is true but before that rumor the sentiment was they’d release the 7s, 7s+, and 8 all at the same time

This has actually been rumored for a while and I think the prevailing belief among outlets like MacRumors.

It surprisingly has been confirmed multiple times for NA release in 2017. I’d be completely unsurprised if they announced a delay to 2018 but they’ve been pretty adamant it’s releasing worldwide in 2017

Yep. I play FFXIV which has always, from what I know, had single-use dyes alongside dyes you pay real money for (only specific colors though), and I don’t really care about that in FFXIV so it’s not fundamentally single-use dyes that I’m against. It’s the fact that in Destiny they were unlimited and now they’re single

Even ignoring all that, the type of people to unironically call someone a “snowflake” all of a sudden gets their feelings hurt because a kid said “fuck?”

That’s true, but I’d think that it’s such a herculean task that they would’ve had to have a lot of help making the show and maybe those people would be a good replacement

And to all the people who think they look dumb, I have to ask, why? The same people who say that also say they look just like regular earpods without the wires.

There’s no special bonus or unlock for playing the demo and then transferring your save file to the full game, right? I have the demo downloaded but never got the chance to play it, and I’m getting the full game tomorrow so might just pass on the demo and start playing the full thing tomorrow haha

Been so excited for this game because it looks gorgeous (besides that stupid Felyne), but I know surprisingly little about it. From what I’ve seen...there’s ways to imbue the standard monsters with different elements? Like you can give Thunder to a Nargacuga or something and it’ll look different? If that’s the case,

The actors being the reason for a shortened season is actually a good guess. I couldn’t figure out how it made sense from the showrunner’s perspective: were they so sick of doing GoT that they wanted out, but also SO overprotective that they would NOT accept new showrunners finishing out the rest of the show?

I’m hoping that maaaaaaybe this suggests SS2 is gonna be much more low-key? Having the Suicide Squad try to save the world against a world-ending villain just doesn’t work. I’d say they’re a better fit for like covert, smaller-scale missions