
Literally speechless. I just sat there for a couple minutes after Hardhome ended thinking “holy shit what did I just watch.” Not just speechless but like almost breathless too.

Oh no debate there, BotB is way more technically impressive, but as a whole Hardhome hit me more

Someone (a commenter below said it was Lorne) said that people’s favorite SNL casts are the ones that they liked in high school, and that’s definitely the case. I look at my high school cast with Armisen and Sudekis and Wiig and Forte and the like and were damn funny

As like a cinematic battle BotB is definitely better. It’s much more of an epic technical masterpiece than Hardhome...but leaving BotB I kind of just had a sense of appreciation of what I just saw, while after Hardhome I was literally speechless

Is it like...hipster-y of me to say I liked Hardhome way more than BotB?

It’s out on iPad and surprisingly fun!

100% fine with him doing it but I’m not quite sure I buy his reasons and it does kinda seem like he’s making a judgment on piracy and pirates? Not that there’s anything wrong with doing so, I totally have no issue with him doing it expressly because he doesn’t want his mod used by pirates because he dislikes piracy, I

Wonder if this is why Atlanta season 2 isn’t gonna be out for a while! Or I guess the Han Solo film too

Hahaha! Just a rowdy Q&A session, I don’t have anything else really salacious from that live podcast

What’s shitty is that the only thing that’s stopping a lot of terrible shit from happening is simply that he doesn’t know how powerful he is as President...once he realizes that, things could get a lot worse

Soooooomewhat interesting that this is coming out after the recent story about a guy hoaxing the Overwatch subreddit about a Youtuber not giving him a prize and the subreddit getting up in arms about it

I definitely think they were thought-provoking questions, it’s just that live Q&As where there are other people hoping to ask questions wasn’t really the best format to ask those questions, if that makes sense. The person would ask a tough question and the hosts would give an answer, recognizing that it’s a hard

I haven’t listened to the Seattle one they posted but I can’t imagine it’s overall too different from that show since they were only a day apart and not too much happened news-wise in between. Definitely lots of health care talk, talk that was a little California-focused regarding California House Republicans that

Very rowdy, I knew after it ended that they’d be bringing it up haha. The show itself was fine, the Q&A was very....fiesty with the question-askers kind of getting into mini-arguments with the hosts haha. Got a little awkward as an audience member

Just learned about this in class, but yeah, a lot of companies are treating the “launch” of a new drug as sort of a phase 4 because there’s realistically no way you can have as part of the approval process a clinical trial that’s as large as just a normal release, and a test population that large is generally what you

I was there! Audience really loved the Logan pull aha

Holy is THAT the conclusion you arrived at? You saw a “dilemma” where a guy distributing child porn was getting more jail time than an actual child rapist and your conclusion was that “hmmm the distributor is getting too much jail time.”

I somewhat did this! It’s really expensive and nowhere near as convenient and seamless as the Switch, but I much prefer playing games on a handheld over playing on a TV or at my monitor and had some money to burn so it was worth it.

hahahahah that was literally the exact point where I was like “I have no idea what they’re saying but she’s fucking owning him and it’s hilarious”

Did the exact same thing when I started, swapping Circle and R2. But then I decided to replay the original Nier which has dodge on R2 and doesn’t let you remap and I got used to it so when I started Automata up again I switched it back so dodge is on R2 haha.