That’s literally the opposite of what was said
That’s literally the opposite of what was said
Kirk did and he didn’t wait long to gloat about it on the podcast haah
Doesn’t have a piece of foam. The foam is basically a cheap fix that works and doesn’t require them to replace your Joycon.
Official website says May 23
I disagree, a manufacturing variation could very much mean that a specific run of a specific part came out flawed, and the conducting foam is a fix.
Thanks for the idea! Unfortunately doesn’t look like there are any on eBay at the moment
OK wait so there’s 9 Digimon that you just can’t get anymore? Like no possible way to get them at all if I’m gonna buy the game today? I mean I’m still gonna get Cyber Sleuth because it’s Digimon (just got a PS4) but that does dampen my excitement a bit
...wait, Cyber Sleuth has timed DLC?
This was mentioned on the SplitScreen podcast, but I totally have the “I just got a new console, must get EVERYTHING!” disease where I’m looking at games I normally wouldn’t be interested in and considering getting them, just because I don’t want to just play Zelda on the Switch. BoI is one of those games I’m somewhat…
Yeah I legitimately have so much more trouble dodging Octoroks than I do Guardians. It’s like the Octoroks are getting in my head... I try to lag back a bit then run forward really fast but the Octoroks somehow know I’m gonna do that and place their shots perfectly
You’re right, 441 is the number that’s listed in the guide
Yep, the official guide states how many you need to actually expand your inventory, and it is nowhere near 900. If you do 900 it’s because you want to be a completionist
Hmmm, guess I’ll have to get used to it then. Thanks!
Can you only play with a bow and arrow? Or are there melee weapons?
Of course it’s working fine. It’s not like GSync 1440p monitors have a wide variety of Hz options available between 60hz and 144hz.
Well, the difference is actually $100 and $300 according to the article (1080 will be $499, 1080ti will be $699) but I’m also guessing the 1070 will drop in price
1070 is more than fine. I’m using a 1070 on my 144Hz 1440p monitor and it’s working fine for me (not getting 120+ FPS but more like ~90)
Honestly, nothing so far. The only thing I could imagine myself getting is a magnetic smart cover like the ones they use for iPads and other tablets. I don’t necessarily want a screen protector or a really bulky cover
I don’t know if you actually need to play 70 hours to get it. I’m not sure of the specifics of where you need to go or what items you need to get but the game is pretty good about not locking stuff behind some arbitrary walls so I wouldn’t be surprised if you could get the stuff once the world opens up if you focused…
Pretty sure all the Overwatch character designers do haha