
Millions of units in two weeks is a bit of an overstatement, they sold 3 million in the first 6 weeks, and in the US sold 400k in the first week.

I’m still extremely surprised Andromeda is coming out in just over a month. It feels like it was just yesterday that we barely had ANY info on it.

Just because they preordered already doesn’t mean this isn’t information they want to know. Hell, just because they preordered doesn’t mean they’re even going to FULFILL the preorder, and their fulfillment of that preorder could be based on this information that’s not out yet.

Exactly. Jason’s been talking about VC from the day the Switch was announced on the podcast, so an interview with a bunch of answers stating “we can’t answer that right now” is definitely not a “positive” one

You do only get one launch, but when it comes down to it the vast majority of people buy your system AFTER launch and don’t necessarily care about how it was at launch. I just recently checked the DS’s launch slate and it is god awful yet it became the 2nd-best selling video game system of ALL TIME. 6% of the DS’s

Thing is, most of the JRPGs on the Vita/PS4 aren’t even that technically demanding so they’d be really easy to port to Switch. 3DS gets a bunch of JRPGs anyways so the Switch is a natural fit

Might have to wait 4 years for that

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the casual killer app, since barely anyone had a WiiU and thus MK8 sales were low (I believe lowest in the MK series). So for a majority of casual players, MK8 Deluxe will be new to them despite being an enhanced port. Then you have Mario Odyssey later in the year

What? The WiiU doesn’t have any bearing on the success of the Wii at all. The reasons the WiiU failed don’t have anything to do with the Wii at all.

I would think that a combination of:

Yep, just think of it as 2 different audiences doing 2 different things. Group 1 is the group of people who have lots of real money and don’t really want to farm stuff to get gold so they just pay real money for gold. Group 2 is the group of people who may not have as much real money but do have a lot of ingame gold

I was worse. The entire segment I was trying to figure out how they made it work because it just didn’t look real and looked so off and I couldn’t see how logistically it made sense...but instead of arriving at the logical conclusion of “oh it’s pretaped” I was like “....nah it’s definitely live, it just looks weird”

Those are your words! I’m using your words!

Unless this comment was a copypasta or a meme I’m missing...

One of my other favorite scenes is the one with the girl listening to Tainted Love on the bus while shit goes down. They are MASTERFUL at using older music

The thing is, I don’t think the details aren’t ironed out: I just think they’re keeping things secret, for some unknown reason. Like, do we even have confirmation that it’ll have a browser at launch? That’s such a basic thing to have. Every time that question gets brought up on the Switch subreddit, people are like

I think the underlying sentiment of this piece might be that Discord’s ease of use and full slate of features made it a great platform that was able to spread quickly and now everyone wants to use it and is using it. Because you’re right: Discord is just a free, easier-to-use Mumble or Vent or TeamSpeak or Skype or

That episode got me into The Chain and ever since they showed the GotG2 trailer with the song at Comic-Con I’ve been waiting to see it. LOVE that song and LOVE Fleetwood Mac because of The Americans

As a Sharks fan I completely know the pain of depending on the Caps to bring you happiness

Had literally the exact same reaction. “Wait, homeland? That’s a fucking weird term.” Then I thought “well, I guess it IS called the Department of Homeland Security...but still, really weird term”