
I’m happy at GameStop for the most part, I absolutely love my regular customers and the conversations that I get to have, and love helping people. My store does things with a pretty unspoken code of ethics. We know not to lie to our people, because them being happy matters more than our numbers.

It’s actually been pretty fun despite being pretty easy. Not sure how long I’ll stay interested but for not I’m enjoying it.

I know next to nothing about him but I’m pretty amazed every time I read an article about his thoughts on politics and social issues. It’s not just lip service, but ACTUALLY well reasoned, well thought out, incredibly easy to understand, and he’s not afraid to be blunt when there’s cause to be, AND he’s incredibly

Was there ever a legit one for the 1st movie that danced in a pot AND had the song playing? I remember the first couple that released were kinda subpar, and the one I got as a gift kinda just sways side to side and has no music

“I don’t like it so clearly if someone else is fine with it, there’s something completely wrong with them!”

Why would it be for poor kids? It’s not like the Pokemon anime was locked behind a paywall on TV or anything and Digimon was on free broadcast channels.

I still don’t really understand what you’re saying they should’ve done. Cyber Sleuth in Japan didn’t really do better than the more hardcore Digimon titles despite being more accessible.

Uh...uh.....nah man I’m not like that. I ONLY have Total War: Warhammer, I swear! That doesn’t apply to me at all!

My local GameStops have been pretty good since I started shopping there, they never push anything on me and I’ve bought a decent amount of new games there without even encountering this, but honestly that proooobably means that actually ended up hurting those employees which really sucks.

That does -not- strike me as smart, appealing to the ultra-hardcore fanbase that likely shelled out over $100 for the 15th anniversary Digivices without blinking.

I’ve never really tried these types of Digimon games (outside of Digimon World 1 like 15 years ago when I was a kid), I’ve always preferred the Digimon Story games like Cyber Sleuth. This does look good though and I wanna keep buying Digimon games so they’ll keep bringing them over, but not totally sure if I’ll enjoy

“Entire” MSQ is definitely hyperbolic but there’s definitely LONG stretches of it that are kind of time-wastey. Definitely a lot of the 1-50 questing, like the leadup to Titan, then there’s a lot of going back and forth in the 2.X level 50 MSQ (like 2.1 especially). But from about 2.4 and all through Heavensward,

Man, still not really a fan of ABC Family rebranding itself as “Freeform.” An MCU Freeform show might not really be up my alley but always glad for more stuff in the MCU that’s a bit more distinct from the movies

Nah, he looks REALLY different, and not just because the graphics are obviously worse.

Might’ve been intentional. Maybe they REALLY wanted to hit home that “Witchers are different from other protagonists, what they do to their bodies really makes them different from humans”

It’s crazy that Cockle might not have actually been the VO for W2 and W3! I literally can’t imagine anyone else in the role at this point. Even though Geralt’s visual appearance changes pretty drastically from W1 to W3 he’s still a perfect fit.

Yet you seem to have issue with this.

Don’t let this distract you from the fact that Notre Dame football went 4-8 this past season

He talks extensively about one of the games in the screenshot...

Listening to Luke and Kirk talk about it on the podcast recently, it obviously has a lot of similarities to GTA but Luke was saying that in Yakuza, the crazy over-the-top soap opera story and tone is definitely one of the main draws and is more central to the game than in GTA