
How dare you ruin the Mr. Peanutbutter-Diane marriage!

Is there a Dong in Bojack? I’d assume it’s like one of Diane’s brothers or something but I don’t remember. He’s definitely in Kimmy Schmidt though but I don’t remember if his last name is Nguyen

Quick online checks definitely don’t show that. In fact, partial installs are a thing precisely because loading times are longer and read speeds are slower on disks

US has the same one as Japan

They’re slightly longer 3DS carts basically

Loading times on cartridges are faster than on disks

And JRPGs that are on consoles aren’t really the most technically demanding outside of like FFXV so I can see a lot of console JRPGs being ported to the Switch. That’d be awesome

Agree. LOVE the color of the EU one but the pose is so, so awkward

Anyone who also dislikes avocado is a friend of mine!

Nice! I’ll probably try one normally and if I don’t like it I’ll get the spicy ranch

Nice, that’s what I was hoping for! Can’t wait to grab one of these

How avocado-y is the avocado ranch? I don’t really like avocado but not sure what to replace it with

Usually roll my eyes at the real Chevy commercials but that was pretty solid haha

I can kiiiinda see why people are saying “Wait you kickstarted the first game and it was a success, why do you need to crowdfund again?!” and why they said the same thing about Banner Saga, but on the other hand, now we KNOW both companies have a good track record of actually taking the crowdfunded money and releasing

It’d definitely be a perfect fit for the Switch, and it’s not totally impossible since the first one was on the DS in Japan

Yeah those require the games, and outside of a very few Pokemon Bank-specific gifts, are almost always done through the games themselves and not through Pokemon Bank.

Hm, wonder if we’ll get them since I remember there being a TON of costume DLC. Just bought Zestiria and saw a handful of costume DLC on Steam, not sure if that was all of it or if they only brought over a few. Though I’m sure like they can be re-added with modding

Are you talking about Pokemon Bank? Well yeah the only reason you’d want to transfer your RBY Pokemon into Bank is so that they can go into Sun/Moon

I guess when you’re working with such small units of measurement it’d be kind of hard to tell by eye but I feel like someone should’ve been like “30,000? Are we sure?” I’m assuming it was an error done during calculation (maybe using 200.5 instead of 2.005 or something) but if you’re looking at the numbers you’re

Unless they want me to spend $40 first?