
There’s a reason why everyone harps on about “show, don’t tell.” There’s significant gaps in the story, especially in the latter half, and putting some of it behind books you have to find or radio reports isn’t great at all.

The character that needs this the most, by FAR, is Luna. She has the potential to be a GREAT character but just didn’t get nearly enough screen time.

Man, Google search has gotten REAL creepy. I typed in “shattered” into my search bar to see what that was and the 2nd suggestion was Shattered Glass Optimus Prime

Not gonna lie, as bad as this looks, it looks batshit crazy enough for me to go watch it in theatres just to see crazy robot destruction on screen. Sometimes I am a simple man with simple pleasures

A Talladega Nights-style Will Ferrell movie about eSports that doesn’t make the same lazy jokes about video games would be HILARIOUS.

Honestly it’s not really rushing through. The sidequests are basically inessential, they’re not like The Witcher sidequests that have great story, or even MMO sidequests that give more insight into the world at large. They’re just very basic fetch quests. The story in the first half is fine, it’s the linear on-rails

God he’s awesome. Still needa finish Hannibal season 3 but the first 2 seasons made it so that anything he’s in, I’m 100% hyped for

7.5/10?!?! That seems like a standard score, not THAT low. And, loathe as I am to admit it since there’s so much to like, that’s honestly what I’d have given it too.

That’s actually not a bad question, and as a JRPG fan it’s kind of hard to exactly answer since I don’t necessarily have a minute-by-minute schedule of all the story beats from, say, Final Fantasy 7 that can show you why it earns a long play time. But, I will say, having just finished FF15...The main story (and not

My playthrough was surprisingly bug-free and crash-free! Guess I got lucky there

I hope so! Until they cast me in an MCU movie, she’d probably be the only Vietnamese character in the MCU

And green is my favorite color...maybe he has a personal vendetta against me...

Woah Mantis looks weird...but love that trailer.

On the Nature of Daylight, was used a lot in Arrival.

On the Nature of Daylight, was used a lot in Arrival.

I mean if it’s that buggy I think it’s a fair review. It’s not like this is a completely new market, there’s already alternatives that are more mature. If there already exist alternatives that are more mature and have less downsides, then having a buggy product on release that don’t seem to clearly have advantages

Isn’t this similar to Sling TV not using up data on T-Mobile?

Still waiting for that Fleetwood Mac trailer from Comic-Con...GotG + The Chain sounds AWESOME

The device officially supports other controllers and has things like save states so it’s already not “as intended.” Playing it on an HD TV, plugged in with an HDMI cable, with internal storage, with save states, isn’t “as intended.” Miyamoto didn’t make Donkey Kong with those intentions, so splitting hairs over the

Agree, I do think it should have been in the game. I think the Iris-Libertus scene would actually have been really good, ties together Kingsglaive-Brotherhood-FFXV pretty well and does show a softer side of Libertus. For some reason Kingsglaive feels kinda separate from the game even though there’s a lot of overlap.