
Yeah that one definitely looks more like the show, but still not thaaaat similar

Now playing

Don’t watch South Park but whenever I see “South Park” and “anime” in the same sentence I always think of this haha

I meant it more in a way that I don’t think it works in a partnership where 1 person does all the cooking. I don’t think there’s enough chores to make up for a single person cooking AND doing the dishes every day

Exactly. Cooking is basically an every day thing, and I don’t think there’s enough non-cooking chores daily that would match the amount of effort cooking/cleaning is. Maybe if you had kids and had to deal with cleaning up after them I guess

I really like just the weird directions they’re taking Hearthstone

Wonder why they changed Ragnaros’ horn thingies

That’s where that was from! Thought it looked like a thumbs up but couldn’t remember what it could be referencing

I feel like that might work in a household where cooking is split up and not all on one person

The real white knights are the people getting up in arms because Harvard soccer players can’t play 2 more soccer games this month despite the fact that when given the chance, they didn’t own up to what they did.

If they cared so much about the last 2 games of their season, maybe they should’ve been forthcoming when they were questioned about it. Instead, they chose not to be forthcoming about it and added another mistake on top of the 1st one. Yeah, seems like they really care about soccer /s

They acted like meatheads AND lied about it, and the last 2 games of their season were forfeited. Maybe if they didn’t lie about it they’d get to play 2 more games

“Pussification” of America: soccer team at best academic institution in the US doesn’t get to play 2 more soccer games, and apparently that’s a huge deal! Toughen up, it’s just 2 soccer games!

An entire season? They had 2 fucking games left. It’s not like it got cancelled before it even started and these poor kids can no longer show off how good they are.

I think the consequence is way too much when they don’t even do this shit to accused rapists but now an entire team is losing a year

....and? 18k is still not “no one.”

He’s got 18k Instagram/Twitter followers and has done a bunch of scores. It’s not like he’s some random dude off the street

Haha it’s in the article, March. HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix

Ported where? Both are coming out for PS4

So it’s saying like if on one day randomly I consumed 400 mg of niacin that’d be toxic, or having multiple days in a row where I consume less than toxic amounts but very high amounts is also bad. That makes sense

Interestingly, the patient’s intake was around 160 to 200 milligrams (mg) daily, which is considered below the level expected to cause toxicity (a similar case was reported before, but the patient consumed 300 mg of niacin daily!). The problem, say the doctors, was that toxicity arose as a result of an accumulation