
There can only be one.

Did each Texas Cheescake Depository come with its own waxworks Lee Harvey replica, leaning out a window?

Now I've seen everything!

Bottom-feeding suction eel!

The Official MIT Football Cheer can be helpful, too:
"That's all right
That's okay
'Cause you're gonna work
For us one day."
Nerds win in the end.

Now that he's stopped, you can catch up.

Not so funny IRL.

Oh, you discovered D&D?
Better late than never.

Anyone know if he's also voiced by Hank Azaria, or is it just the same accent?

"we all know you wouldn't be able to keep a straight face"

"Anthony Scalia's Supreme Court decisions all came from an consistent, albeit fundamentally amoral, intellectual framework."

I respect your opinion, and even acknowledge that you are morally superior to me, because I want to literally, as well as figuratively, piss on Scalia's grave.
Ditto for that Dick, Cheney.

"Justice" Scalia was just a shitbird with a bigger vocabulary.
A properly trained cockatoo could've done the same, but would have harmed far fewer people.

Left 'em way, way behind.

I for one welcome our new Grimacious overlords.

Hence the name…

Which works out to more, "$85 hou-rly," or "$8072 in a few weeks"
Lessee, carry the 2…
Aw, fuck it, I'll just stay on the welfare.
Math is hard!

Just feeding their own propaganda from the Little Boots days back at them.
Remember "if you're not with us, you're against us"?
"Americans need to watch what they say"?
"Objectively pro-Saddam"?

Sure thing.
All you need is more talent as an artist than any three people should have, ditto as a businessperson, and a few billion dollars.
Piece o cake.

You mean…
Under all that clothing she was stark NEKKID?!
The horror!
What about the children?
Won't somebody please think of the children?!
[covers eyes… peeks just a tiny bit]