

They successfully gamed a corrupt system and came very forcibly.taking several hundred (or more) dollars out of the.pockets of hundreds of millions of individuals, and have generously agreed to take half of those "earnings" and "do good" with them…
At least some of which will entail supporting the

Fox would teach it how to be inhuman.
We have more.than enough of those as is.

If I find it sucks, you'll be hearing from my attorneys.

Which would be more.discouraging — a response of "both," or one of "neither"?

The entire premise is.misplaced.
Watching / reading some work of art or literature is second-order at best, and anyone who's ever stood in front of a classroom will recognize that as a deeply inferior instructional.mode.
Only EXPERIENCE can teach the lessons that we're talking about imparting here.

Isn't that why they call it "acting?"
Case in point:
Ed Norton is nobody's image of "alpha male" — until you check out his character in American History X, or the very last scene (only) in Primal Fear.

"Cowboys and Aliens"?
Is that a Firefly reboot?

But we did.
In historical terms, one generation IS but an eyeblink.
Srsly, that we elected us a Black (ok, half-Black) PotUS as soon as we did (and did it again!) is a testament to all that is great about the US — especially given the psychotic reactions of the teabeggars and the combined financial and marketing efforts

Depends which century.