
I was tempted by the possibility that they were sealed-box Rhine cards, and he was testing for psi powers, but this Sherlock is too much of a materialist, skeptical, anti-woo sort of character for that.
Ironic, since his original creator, Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle, was a renowned spiritualist, toward the end of his life.

I suspect some of the audience would rather see her out of them.
That would be the Cinemax or Showtime version, tho — or maybe HBO.

I thought he'd turn out to be a ninja…
How old is he again?
(In turtle years?)

You are not alone.

"My take on this episode was how much Joan has become Sherlock."

What New York brownstones have only two floors?
Not even in Brooklyn. Just. Isn't. Done.

Either way, he's covered.
Of course, he can probably rely on the knowledge that no gang-lord would farm out justice/revenge to the hated po-lice. They'd keep it in house, or die. Can't expect him to foresee "Doc" throwing a monkey into that wrench.

Image no longer there.

I had totally forgotten that bit about the counterintuitive maple-syrup grading standards. Thanks so much for the reminder.
Absolutely do not wish to be rude here, but it seems that they changed the system a couple of years ago, just because the old way was too confusing for many, and was apparently costing producers

I believe that in certain higher maths, there are actually different magnitudes of infinities
Never could manage to wrap my little brain around that one.
But if it's true, then that magnitude would be the very biggest of all the infinites.

Sadly, I am not better.
Yet, I am strangely comfortable with that.
Must be the username.

Thank you for the correction.
I get tripped up by Poe's Law with disturbing frequency.
My apologies to The Devil and John Berryman for the unwarranted assaults.

Wait — you're saying he doesn't use his prehensile tail for that?

I am morally certain that Mein Trumpf has an official taster, like the kings of old — and that, unlike most of Trumpf's hires, s/he is very well paid…
in advance.
I just hope they have absolutely massive life insurance, or no children.

Still a bit sad, though far, far less so than the alternative.

Y'know, I figured it was something like that, but it just seemed too beautiful a target not to abuse.
I hope you will accept my apologies.
I really wasn't trying to foment hatred or fear, and if it came across that way, I was wrong to frame it so.
I won't delete or adjust the original comment, but only because I own my

All kinds of monkey business.
People lower on the food chain will often try to ape their betters.
But somebody — some low-down snake in the grass — is always going to rat them out.
I just couldn't care less, and no longer have any fox to give.

"I am an old furry. There are not too many of us."

Damn, and here I always thought that was just within the Disney World borders.
Learn somethin' new every day.

Oooh, such a brilliant riposte!
I wonder — are they Trump Chumps because they're already double-digits?
Or does becoming a Trump Chump degrade IQs?
Which comes first, the eggs, or the chicken-hawks?