

Follower of Hillary, are we?

No soap radio.

An entertaining story, for sure.

Second that.

You are SOO right.

“ I would say the left is actually more patriotic. We are trying to save this country. It’s the right that sold us down the river for money or due to fear.”

It’s all the abortions that result from teh ghey secks that are the worst.

The uneducated are usually worth less in the marketplace.

Of course.

Soros is taking business-running lessons from Don the Con.

We’ll find out soon enough.

He is the only one.

Well, either that, or they know better, but want to muddy the waters.

Well, not to mention that they’ve got someone who is OPPOSED to the very concept of “public education.”


“You will tell the truth, Mr ‘President’.”

Electro-Gonorrhea, The Noisy Killer, sounds like fun.

Respectfully disagree.

Wait, what?