
Aw, what’s in the box?

Also un-American.

They’re Brits.

Luckily law enforcement doesn’t actually determine your guilt or innocence”

The day YOU volunteer to be THE person whose identity is confused by a heavily armed and nervous (“Ah wuz in fear for muh lahf! Honest Ah were!”) constabulary with that of a wanted, dangerous criminal is the day we’ll take seriously your protestations of what constitutes an acceptable level of risk.

Does it count if what we’re praying for is The LORD calling him home to his just reward?

They were always a slippery enterprise at best.

Beats getting whacked with a stick.

There Ain’t No Justice.

A respectful (really, no snark) question:

MOST Americans did not vote for this disaster.

Bows down in gratitude for Firefly namecheck.

Not that I want to be the token nay-sayer here, and no I am *not* pretending that the situations are anything like numerically comparable — but you do acknowledge that similar things happen with white actors, too, yes?

No, see, the people who are the *subjects* of the stories are not in the “same industry” as the people *writing* the stories.

Those are not cornrows and that is not a dashiki.

“for anyone with a conscience.”

Not enough upvotes in the whole universe for this...

“The people with real power are influencing journalists, but not through dinner parties publicized on Instagram.”

The late, great Izzy Stone (of revered memory) showed that it is not only possible to do brilliant journalistic work without having to sell out to maintain “access,” but that far superior work would result from that approach — as even a moment’s consideration would recognize.

I’m finding a surprising degree of rationality from Jennifer Rubin at the Washington Post.