
Trumpf’s fem-bots will clearly be programmed to golden shower you, then electrocute you.

“I worry that some therapists are unnecessarily trying to place a square peg in a round hole.”

And no true Scotsman dislikes haggis, either.

Wait, what?

We’re in a pretty bizarre alt-universe when that Dick, Cheney, is what passes for a voice of reason.

You do not have to leave it to the imagination:

Ban White Americans at the border!

And a damn good thing, too!

I will not, thank you very much.

“Once they became substantiated...”

Crack addicts pay rent?

“traitors they are not.”

Don’t be silly.

Why would they?

“They’re re-neggers”?

Totally understandable; who doesn’t have these little slips of the tongue every now and again?

There was this one black guy in Shanghai.

It’s all the herring.

Doesn’t scan; hard to dance to.

Didn’t Harry Harrison also write at least one book in which there was a planet made up entirely of one city?