Most don’t even listen.. they talk into an echo chamber of other white (and white aligned) voices about the “blacks” and come up with their “inspired” solutions without so much minority input as a black little pepper in their mashed potatoes.
Most don’t even listen.. they talk into an echo chamber of other white (and white aligned) voices about the “blacks” and come up with their “inspired” solutions without so much minority input as a black little pepper in their mashed potatoes.
“He’s NOT getting my vote. Period.”
It’s always been the pain point for Bernie, ridiculously so really. It’s been thrown in sharper relief now that he has an ideological neighbor that’s missing that particular blindspot.
“..this will become spin for Pete and somehow, someway Michael Harriot will eventually be labeled as the villain in all of this....”
This is ammo that Mayo Pete will use when he goes on shows like Bill Maher’s and they discuss how gallant he was to stand up to the accusation that Pete is truly a lying MF......wait, isn’t Pete I guess he’s a lying FF, but anyway this will be become spin for Pete and somehow, someway Michael Harriot will…
Warren routinely mentions her plans specifically centering black people, and particularly black women. You’re getting her mixed up with Bernie. That’s always been the difference between the two campaigns.
He’s calculating, that’s what I pick up. The fact that he’s been given all this attention when Booker and Castro have the same pedigree makes me look at him side-eyed. He’s NOT getting my vote. Period.
“But do you disagree with the point I was making?” Mayor Buttigieg asked, listing a few programs designed to alleviate this specific problem. “Sometimes children don’t get to see the possibilities. Do you think the lack of positive examples of educational success can lead to mistrust and a lack of confidence in…
but you seem to like sniffing up under his ass otherwise you wouldn’t be here. what stormfront has no more room for you?
Of course Buttigieg’s campaign called. I knew it would happen. He’s a democrat in desperate need of black support, so why not?
It’s not even Thanksgiving and you’re handing out Christmas presents to the trolls like there’s no bottom to the Splinter well. Which there isn’t. Outstanding.
(The third thing you should know is that I actually keep a small photo of the mouse from Pinky and the Brain beside my bed that says: “What are you going to do today, Michael?” The answer is always the same: “Fuck with white people.”)
While I agree with you, I will give the CURRENT prosecutors in this case a bit of praise for actually admitting a mistake was made in the past. Most prosecutors defend these convictions tooth and nail, regardless of the evidence that has come forward.
What a surprise, Pete is another sheltered white boy turned white man who thinks he can judge other races without understanding or relating to them.
Thanks for this follow up. Black America cannot ever fully repay you for your sheer audacity.
Well, not In those exact words, but...
“We have to disabuse ourselves from the notion that the problem with educational inequality is because of an esoteric lack of support,” I explained. “That’s a lie. And a man as educated as yourself knows it’s a lie. And to regurgitate that narrative publicly is not just dangerous, it is malpractice.”