
And, BTW, I don’t think the first part of his sentence is actually inherently incorrect; I wouldn’t even necessarily call it a lie, because he might actually believe it. Everyone can more easily make a goal become real if there is some kind of visual representation of the complete project.

There is nothing he can say to me that would make me vote for him in the primaries, though, should he win, I’d walk across broken glass to vote for him.

I mean, conservatives are guilty of it too. But Pete is running as a liberal, and there are a lot of well-meaning white liberals who still ascribe to racist ideas by infantilizing  black people. 

White people love racism more than their own lives.  This country would have had universal health care like most of the civilized world but since universal health care would actually apply to everyone including brown people there is no universal health care here.  

Same deal with Sanders, he barely knows anything about minorities considering his asinine insistence that black folks should “Respect the police” completely ignoring context.

Because white news reporters are literally color blind but have extra fine perception for beige scale.

White people are weird, they weird out other white people! 

My guess... being that it was WV, the time of that law related to them viewing consumer internet access as a luxury that should not be afforded to the incarcerated. In more modern times it may relate to concerns that they could be used to shine a light on how bad our prison system is. I am shocked they don’t make them

Because debtor’s prisons don’t exist here anymore.

He’s nothing more than Log Cabin Republican. And he knows nothing about Black people. And Castro, a superior candidate, who actually understands black people is barely getting any traction.

Michael, I'm also a product of the Palmetto State, albeit not from Hartsville. Every time you tell your story, I'm struck by how much your success seemed to mean to your community. It really is an incredible story.

In high school I did a summer program in a laboratory at a local hospital. The other high school student in the lab was an African American woman who was far smarter and motivated than I will ever be. I had a 10 minute walk to the lab from my house and she had to take the train for over an hour to get there. I thought

Because slavery can exist as punishment so they will milk that as much as possible. 

higher education is a lonely place as a minority. When I was working on my PhD, I was the only ethnic minority (I am a brown guy, incidentally) in my entire program.

Good ole “benevolent” racism. The liberal bloc is filled with white “saviors”.

“It proves men like him are more willing to perpetuate the fantastic narrative of negro neighborhoods needing more role models and briefcase-carriers than make the people in power stare into the sun and see the blinding light of racism.”

Can I submit my comment posts as proof that I could write for Ze Roote?

Do my years of snark on Kinja count as experience?

Are the bugs stealing all the good, Earthican jobs this time around?

Are they going to make the main character a Filipino as well or a handsome whitebread like Casper?