talking on the phone, whether hands free or handheld, is still "distracted driving". It has been verified that both hands-free and handheld phone conversations is equivalent to DUI.
talking on the phone, whether hands free or handheld, is still "distracted driving". It has been verified that both hands-free and handheld phone conversations is equivalent to DUI.
1983 Firebird TransAm. 5.0L V8, 5sp Man Tran, T-Top, popup headlights, No AC (my mistake). Best (lowest) drag coefficient of any car available in '83. Mine was black, with just a small 'screaming eagle' on the asymmetric air scoop on the 'bonnet'. I relished how it was essentially KITT, without that annoying voice…
Without reading the update: How did that work out? If they can't tow with someone in the car, it seems, to me, they can't even unload it with someone in the car. So sitting in the flatbedded car would stick it there until he gets out. At which point they can just zoom away with the car still loaded.
Oh, wait, STILL not a good idea to have all of that weight on your keys.
But British lights seem to tell you, themselves, when they're about to change. That action of the yellow appearing during the end phase of the red, is something I've always wanted to see the American Stoplights imitate. In America, yellow is only used to warn of "Red about to happen", never used to say "Green is…
Gotta clarify my previous comment. Yellow does NOT penetrate further in fog than White. The trick is, our eyes are most sensitive to yellow; so yellow can be dimmer than the white, and our eyes can still see all the whatnot on the road. Being dimmer, the illumination of the fog doesn't blind us, while trying to…
I always thought Yellows are FOG LIGHTS, to penetrate further through the fog. Plus always an afterthought, so fog lights always add-ons, not integrated into the bodywork. High Beams are for the clear, to light up the road far ahead, but are counter-productive in fog: lighting up the fog so much, you can't see further…
Buuuuuut, The topic is "... Normal Cars", Limited Editions are not "normal", by definition. And MX-5 is inherently not normal; being THE BEST, donchanoe.
Leaving Boston for Thanksgiving is, by definition, a nightmare. Most of the population in Boston is out-of-state college students, who ALL have to go home for Thanksgiving. And unlike other holidays, there's no flexibility in the schedule. I once had to leave at the worst possible time, 5pm Wednesday. It took at least…
So in other words just use common sense
You just reminded me that Leno was, himself, on Top Gear as the "Celebrity in a Reasonably Priced Car". Jezza was super excited at having the 'Merican Car Guy With The Impossibly Huge Car Collection on the show to interview.
Prius. FTW!!
I agree. 2008 NC Miata PRHT. The westside parkway (northbound)was so slow; when I spotted a Ferrari in the next lane, one car ahead; I remarked: this explains why Castle (ie Nathan Fillion's character) never drives his Ferrari in Manhattan and the boys in the show drool over borrowing it (unaware of the hassle).…
And then there's another reason why you should avoid the dealership license plate frame: it turns out that in most jurisdictions, it's illegal! Yes, that's right: surprising though it may be, nearly every jurisdiction has a law against blocking out the state name, the state slogan, and the license plate's…
She T-Boned the bus!! No, actually, she did walk into the side of that bus and bounced back from it, then kept walking across the street. She must have gotten a tremendous wake-up call bouncing off the side of that bus.
The scarf is Doctor4's but the scene cries Rocky Horror Picture Show to me. Time Warp dance numper, and all the antici... ... ... PATION seems appropriate.