
What's he up to?

"s this the end of highway-sign hijinks, or will some jokers be determined enough to take a crack at this new tier of security measures?"

Have they been drinking Moller's kool-aid?

Sometimes pedes dart out suddenly that even the most attentive and quickest reflexes will be unable to miss, even at only 25 mph. Computers are so fast that they can apply the brake within nanoseconds of the person appearing, while even the quickest reflexed human driver will take seconds. Though rare for any single

true, Don't be in one of those All-Fiberglass 'Vettes in a Lightning storm. Flash, Boom.

I too, take issue with the "Zero Emissions" clause. Does it mean ONLY electric vehicles can be sold through "direct sales", that dealers will still be selling any and all alternatives (as long as they're not Zero)? Sounds like they opened a small loophole for Tesla only, everybody else has to sell their car through

Can you also get the Top Gear clip where they put Hammond in a car to show what happens when a car gets hit by Lightning? Nothing. Hammond was "shocked" that he survived, and all the car electronics still worked. Why this F-150 failed, is somewhat a mystery. Ehh, Ford, why did the F-150 burst into flames from a

"this global warming nonsense that is constantly pushed in our faces? That is the biggest "quackery" of them science, just scare tactics and zero proof humans have any noticeable effect on a global scale."

"And be careful of that old saw "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - if by "extraordinary" you mean only "anything that does not already fit into my worldview" it becomes merely a legitimization of the confirmation bias. Claims require evidence."

"Seems to me some "toxin" issues are legit. Lead and pthalates make good examples of environmental poisons that have turned out to be definite risks. Ditto at least some of the organophosphates."

my description was based on an old memory, so I could well have the AWD v 4WD distinction bass-ackwards, and also likely incomplete. Locking diffs is also a difference between the two. IDK, pologies

My old-time understanding of the difference between AWD vs 4WD was the placement of the differential. 4WD only has 2 diffs, for left wheel vs right wheels, one for front, one for rear. The AWD includes a 3rd diff, to balance the front/rear drive power. So to me the distinction between AWD vs 4WD is the placement (and

"I fail to understand what's so bad about that."

yes, a "driverless car" ain't a "car" at all. Just a 2 dimensional elevator, a box that will take you from one point (on the surface), to another point on that surface, as long as there are some roads connecting those points.

Wasn't "push-to-start" the original way to start? Put key in (somewhere in the dashboard), push the button. The new fangled way was: put key in column, twist key to start. The trick now, is that the Key Fob can stay in your pocket, without the Fob the button does nothing.

To put existing solar panel technology as road surface is an incredibly poor idea. The concept of using the road surface, which is an incredibly huge, already existing, area; which gets hot in sunshine; is very attractive. What's needed is a solar->electricity substance that can be poured out over the roads, similar

DRL's are not to provide light for the driver to see, but to be seen by other drivers. That's why headlights-on-when-wipers-on has become such a big thing. Just because the driver can see, doesn't mean he can be seen. DRL's might look silly in sunny/dry weather, but, so what? The DRL's can't blind you in the daytime,

not quite right. Instantaneously you are correct, but processing accelerometers involve tracking their outputs over time. The accelerometers will record the change in the vector from flat to uphill versus flat to downhill. That is why gyro's are not necessary for a 3 axis set of accelerometers (when integrated

"I've seen plenty of accelerometer apps, but none that also use the gyro."

It's not the car itself that is magic, but the manufacturer. Mazda > Fiat. QED