
Well as a Cleveland Browns fan, when you get the Sonics back (hopefully soon) the Blazers will be your Pittsburgh Steelers (traditional rival) and the Thunder will be your Baltimore Ravens (a truly despised rival until your Art Modell - Clay Bennett - dies).


It will not, and it’s dangerous to get into that mindset. There are other things that cross the border besides migrants, and there will always be a market for illicit immigration routes, for everything from undocumented labor (it’s cheaper to hire people who have no permits, so it’s about two steps above slave

One of the more frustrating features of this debate is the confluence of immigration with border security. The two items are certainly linked, but they are also two very different topics. The current treatment of immigrants and migrants is horrendous, but that is an issue of immigration law. Our immigration system is,

NXT UK’s also around to keep World of Sport or any of the other indies from getting a bankroller that challenges WWE’s very lucrative European touring business.

WWE very much signs people that they have no interest in using (let alone those they don’t think will make it to the top

“but ultimately this is a business where the resources are always limited and there are only so many spots at the top”

So she doesn’t care about the discussions around significance and meaning and layered historical experience or any of that. It’s purely about a cute look, for her, and yet she’s annoyed that she doesn’t get enough credit a tweet she threw off on a jokey whim.

I rode in Denver once, no joke. The highway was nuts. 

This sounds like WWE-level marketing, and I am all in if it has people spouting extended semi-insane monologues at the camera. Especially if they have an electric bike with a 90s-goth sensibility that’s managed by a Paul Bearer type.

I’m actually surprised they haven’t bought Hasbro since they have such a close working relationship. There are rumors that, when Hasbro’s license for Marvel and Star Wars are up, Disney may be looking to start their own company instead of renewing the contract.

I’m actually interested in what would happen if Disney

Its the lack of societal norms and the lawless nature. By removing things like laws and police it allows you to self-police in whatever way you see fit. Also its in the future, so you can include (or not) any sort of weapon, vehicle or magically healing device that was invented at some point after now but before the

So far that is exactly what I am doing. I had a good laugh in the startup tutorial “hopefully you have gone through the manual for-”
“yeah yeah! whatever”
Way too excited to be reading, but I’ll be doing that on my lunchbreak tomorrow at least.
So far, she is big, loud, mean, and shakes a lot. I also like that it will

Damn, Drummond is only 25. I seriously thought he was 32 or 33. Must be his look and his old-school style game. I like him a lot.

High School might have been fun then...

I just wish I wasn’t grey anymore. :( 

Well, duh. His hands are to valuable to get dirty.

And not even a single MST3K mention after that brutal tease of a header image!

Exactly. Attempting to understand where someone is coming from =/= agreeing with or sympathizing with their position in any way—it’s just what it sounds like: an attempt to understand another human being’s reasons for holding the position they do.

Even if you’re only using that understanding to craft stronger, more