Listen, the #boymom and #girldad shit is dumb as fuck but this is fucking unnecessary.
Listen, the #boymom and #girldad shit is dumb as fuck but this is fucking unnecessary.
That just made me snort laugh. And of course, I read the last part of the sentence with the appropriate New England accent.
I would buy the shit out of a souped-up AKI system AEW game.
I noticed this comment as I was closing the window, and I re-opened the window just so I could come back and leave a star.
That’s what the consumers are for.
I don’t mean to brag, but I am capable of looking disdainful in any circumstance.
Don’t just win an argument, Godwin an argument.
Wow, he’s really lucky, because, while they take drug offenses super-seriously in New Hampshire, they recently repealed the death penalty. Not only that, but hanging was still on the books in NH as one of the possible means of execution, until earlier this year! So, he won’t have to worry about mobs of people…
there hasn’t been this much fuss about a second Schutt Air since the JFK assassination
Ha. This is how I justified an Alienware- “No really, the graphics box basically makes it a desktop and you know sometimes I need to do video-editing on the road”
“I need the RTX because I work a lot with pivot tables in Excel”
Neck marks but nothing in the article mentioning a rope. And a crooked ex cop who knows how to handle a question or two. I’m not saying I know what really happened, I’m just sayin I ain’t stupid.
The #MeToo movement involved occasionally disproportionate punishments for a variety of crimes and misdemeanors that were previously ignored. The fact that #MeToo swept up serial rapists and handsy creeps at the same time was the consequence of having previously ignored an endless tide of harassment and abuse. The…
People actually watch this crap AND care about it, which is proof to me that humanity peaked some time ago and we should probably die out soon
That was my rationale as well. I'm not advocating for shroom dispensaries, but stop prosecuting at least.
Native here. It wasn't a big issue, no. I think the police made 50 some arrests for shrooms last year or something. I honestly wasn't sure why this was on the ballot, but here we are.
I think my TV heard me, because thirty minutes after the game Uber Eats showed up at my door with chicken wings from this place.