Nope, he just GOT THOSE HANDS.
Nope, he just GOT THOSE HANDS.
I hope he won’t beat himself up over this
I was all ready to mock these shoes and then you had to throw in there how they are actually a big help to folks with physical limitations like the kid with cerebral palsy and now I feel bad and stupid and it’s all your fault Dan McQuade.
Public option was/is a politically expedient stepping stone to single payer. It isn’t a dumb idea. It’s smart politics. When you don’t have the votes for radical change, you keep the ball rolling. That’s fucking progress. It turns out, they didn’t even have the votes for the public option, but somehow the votes for…
I have tried, and tried, and tried and I just can’t get worked up over this.
But 1990s MTV was anything but boring.
What a trivial little bullshit thing to get caught up on
This is also far superior to the anti-nanking measures taken by Imperial Japan a couple decades later.
Good news. Once the planet warms up enough, cold weather range won’t be an issue.
Bakersfield is too tony for Raiders fans.
Oh, dear god, YES! Bakersfield and the Raiders deserve each other.
Korn can be their team band!
That would be perfect.
I’d go with Stockton. Close second is Hemet if they are open for a southern California play.
The Buffaloes should recruit this guy for the next time the Cougars come to town.
Ok, the others are probably right it wasn’t her normal. But the media only talks about her when she fails. My first thought was, “Oh she crashed, sounds like every other time I hear her name”.
I like you as a writer, Chris, and you know a lot about the NBA and write thoughtfully about it. This take, however, is far too kind.
Yeah, that’ll happen when you anoint your kid as Jordan/Magic/Bird/LeBron all rolled into one before he plays a single game, and he turns out to be an average NBA player at best.
+1 Ouch!