
I’ve enjoyed this site over many years but please stop with the clickbait headlines regarding science and nutrition. The American populace is confused enough about how to interpret the often conflicting scientific studies that come at them daily. We need fewer eye catching headlines and more science writers who know

I’m more on the Silent assassin side. Since the very first game I have been obsessed in getting that score always. So my way of doing things is to make 4-5 rounds of reckon to each mission, see the options, see what could go wrong with the npcs movements, see if I can make this or that target sleep, see if I need this

Beyond the mass shootings, I mostly hear frustrations from relatives of severely ill people who wish they could do more to get them treatment.  But enabling society to lock people away in hospitals for their own good is obviously something ripe for abuse (and which has been abused in the past).  

Not really.

As a mental health professional I agree that mental healthcare is lacking in this country.

Except all my friends who voted straight ticket Dem are white women in rural areas. All my friends who got out and campaigned hard are white women in rural areas.

You’re right. The same gamers that put hyperrealism and big money graphics above all else also complain that big companies that want to make money - and turn their nose up at indie games with charming but not hyper-real graphics (witness all the people who endlessly drag the switch for being home to indies).


They also made a prediction that the 1-5 Rockets are “ass.” I tend to agree- they played ugly basketball last year, but now it’s both ugly and ineffective.

Or a picture of Hamilton Nolan taped on a t-shirt and you go up to random people in the real world and explain how capitalism is ruining the world.

Even creative 13-year olds are not immune when an (ostensibly) “adult” jezebel writer needs their outrage.

Someone should try joyless blogger next.

Skynet Enhancement Suite 0.2 Beta (August 4 Release)

It’s either youth (stupidity), and/or sociopaths. And sociopaths tend to bring others into their selfish, narrow way of thinking.

The Hi-Sec gankers are the worst.
If they aren’t trolls they are the most messed up Roleplayers I have ever come across. The dialogue I have read while dealing with them consists of warhammer40k-esque vitriol; “purifying hi-sec for the messiah god [insert handle of their leadership rolemodel], purge the unclean pve

This kind of stuff, while interesting, is literally why I’ve never played EVE, despite having played MMOs since the EverQuest 1 days.

If I want jerks with money to grief me, I’ll just play real life.

The only explanation for this gaff is 

Bowers surrendered. Would you rather have him summarily executed?

Neither received the packages or were “at risk of receiving them,”