
This sucks but at least John Cena will grant a wish for him. 

The Jags can’t run, but they can Hyde. 

As someone who used to sell for Verizon, I can tell that the VAST majority of people are either/both too stupid and too lazy to mess with anything other than exactly what they want from the phone. 

Hmm...i didn’t know that. i thought when this first started happening the default was everyone. I guess your username does checks out.
; )
have a good weekend.

I’m surprised this feature isn’t on-demand in the first place.

I believe airdrop’s default setting is for everyone. Therein lies the problem, i never used it, so mine was on default until these articles pointed the issue out. Apple should make contacts only the default. I’m surprised no one has been able to hack the phone via this way yet.

maybe but soccer sucks

How many teams could the NBA remove before we actually noticed wha they were doing?

Seriously, it’s one of my few real joys in life here in Denver.

If we’ve seen it once, we’ve seen it a million times. Dogs and cats only, people. Don’t take any chances.

Sunday Content Bot strung words together based on a complicated human attention measuring algorithm.

That’s a big come up for Jessie J, the original Rita Ora.

Stick of Truth was amazing. Not sure if it was a fiscal success, but I loved every minute. Good combat, good story, and it was exactly as long as it should have been which left me satisfied and wanting more-- unlike a lot of modern games where my interest wanes around hour 10-40 but the game still stretches 30-80 more

It’s cute now, but as Hurricanes get stronger, the surge will overcome the boards and destroy the low-lying areas.

I thought it was funny, and low key complimentary. He’s kind of a massively self critical , self deprecating guy.

Indeed, I got through the first paragraph when a pop-over asked me to sign up for Kotaku’s newsletter, like it does on every damn article I open on this site. Things like that are more likely to drive me elsewhere rather than actually sign up.

What benefits were they owed? You’re not entitled to a severance just because you got laid off, unless there’s some kind of law that I’m not aware of or a contractual obligation. It’s always nice when companies do it, but in a situation like this where they’re dumping everything overboard it’s not exactly surprising

How are customers to blame? What fantasy world do people live in. If something sells it sells, I bought the Walking Dead Finale Season 4 pass, it wasn’t on sale. They didn’t make enough money from that product to even cover the cost of finishing. To think this is customers fault at all is quite delusional. 

Call of Duty and yearly sports games are extremely polished franchises that update and upgrade their games every year. Consumers are more then happy to pay full price for these games every year. Telltale hasn’t changed anything about their formula for like 10 years. Most Telltale fans, myself included, buy the games