
This article completely fails to back up the claim that the slowness of Twin Peaks is ”unconscionable." In fact, the linked video argues the exact opposite viewpoint. Perhaps that word does not mean what you think it means? Do you even watch videos before describing them?

There is no small amount of irony in The A.V. Club bemoaning over-reliance on IP while at the same time running approximately 40,000 Marvel-related articles per week.

Whoa, a documentary about cannibalism from the team who made Leviathan? YES PLEASE

I fucking love Inside, but Bustillo and Maury have been disappointing since then - Livide and Among the Living are both seriously underwhelming. Still, Inside is lifetime-pass level for me, so I'm cautiously optimistic about this.

Fuck. That sucks. Given the glut of zombie-related media we have now, it's easy to forget how unique and hard-hitting Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead felt when they came out. In terms of influence, it's hard to think of anyone who single-handedly had a bigger impact on pop culture than Romero. Plus, without him,

That may be, but in the Year of Our Lord 2017 the only thing that seems to keep Jay-Z motivated is stepping out on his pregnant wife. He certainly does not sound motivated by rap.

I HAVE OPINIONS: Has anyone that gave a positive review to 4:44 actually listened to it? This sad pathetic turdbomb of an album is 50% unironic callouts of expensive shit Jay-Z owns, 50% crying about how he was a shitbag to his wife, and 100% old & tired & busted as fuck. In an era when rap is weirder and more vital

The real terror here is Guy Fieri's camo suit jacket, holy fuck

FUCK YES. Love Shabazz Palaces. I wish more rap artists would be willing to go full weirdo.

Hooray! I can't wait to see these wacky funny men in an islamophobic film from America's favorite racist old white dude director!

There are more ways to surprise an audience than just plot twists. Episode 8 of the Twin Peaks revival is one of the most surprising & unexpected things I've ever seen on TV, but not because of its plot. Rather, the shock comes from the delivery of an entirely different narrative mode than expected.

A world with fewer David Ayer movies is a good thing. I'll take my positive news when I can get it!

His argument is muddled, though - he seems to be making this point but then he also mocks his friend for not knowing those various foods, which is contradictory. Does he think that intersectionality is good or bad? I have no idea, but I DO know that he knows the names of some fancy meats.

Also incorrect: the description of Albarn as "punk". Neither Blur nor Gorillaz is a punk band.

Oh hey Hastapura! Congrats on the AV Club writing gig!

Because I'm a giant nerd, I got curious about how powerful the economic incentives for Spotify would be to do this. Based on these two posts:
it looks like Spotify pays around 40% of a cent per song streamed, or $1 per 250 streams. Getting onto a popular playlist

If they seed playlists with songs that don't get continuous, streaming royalties, then every time those songs are played - instead of songs that have the usual streaming payment structure - they save the money that would have been paid for those royalties. Keep in mind that songs on the big playlists on Spotify get

I'm confused - this isn't a refutation at all, though, right? The allegation isn't that Spotify avoids paying these artists; rather, the allegation is that they pay one-time royalties to avoid paying continued, streaming royalties. This only "refute(s) the MBW article at every point" if you ignore the point that

ha ha it's funny because he seems unwell and is probably an alcoholic! that is always good for a healthy dose of tired snark because I love punching people when they're down!

look at this anthony bourdain in an industrial accident with Axe body spray motherfucker, goddamn