
The Thomas Edison & PT Barnum recordings are blowing my mind - apparently American accents were very different 130 years ago?

Sadly, Barker got shitty. Books of Blood is some GOAT shit for sure, but starting with The Great and Secret Show something went badly wrong with his writing and never got better.

Awesome, we've now reached Peak Whiteness in this thread. Next can you please lecture us about "reverse racism" and how Black Lives Matter are the REAL terrorists?

Pitchfork's foray into movie writing was The Dissolve, so I'm not as cynical about this

Maybe i'm just a prematurely old man or something, but the bullshit trend of "LOL LET'S FORCE ADULT THEMES INTO KIDS MOVIES" is stupid & boring. I cordially invite this trend to rot in hell alongside "white people doing ironic covers of rap music."

Now we know what happens when Lynch is let loose on CGI with a prestige cable budget, and it is glorious. This was a god-level episode of television.

Beautiful. Now THIS is why the internet exists. Also, those are not fake ads - the products seen at the end of the video are apparently real, and can be bought:

Ok, let's discuss some things.
1) None of these songs follow the 50s chord progression (I vi IV V). I have no idea where that analysis is coming from.
2) In fact, the Death Grips and Slipknot vocals do not follow any chord progressions. The vocals are non-melodic. What makes these songs fit is together is that their

All we know is that Gadot is getting paid more than the number previously reported, but without having any additional info, it's still entirely possible that she's getting paid less than an equally positioned male actor, right? Sadly, this doesn't seem to be evidence that the wage gap has been defeated.

Although I'm mostly being tongue-in-cheek, my mathematical concerns are real. This is not a good metric. I need to put my advanced degree in math to use somehow!

Good point. RT is a simple average, but for movies with a low number of reviews, the average is not a good statistic. Something other than the average should be used here.

I have concerns about this formula, in particular the RT in the fraction denominator. That makes this metric very susceptible to small movements in RT when it is near 0. For example, moving from 2% to 1% doubles the metric. Also, the formula is undefined when RT = 0, and I don't think assigning a value of infinity to

Unfortunately I don't have email notifications turned on, but in case you do, I'll give it a try:

Sure! Is it possible to send private messages through Discus? If so, you can contact me through there & I'll give you my email.

To be fair, the suit was brought by a band, which makes it at least tangentially pop-culture related

"It’s a great day for racial slurs" is a horrible headline for describing an important 1st amendment decision! Yikes!

Likewise! I went to grad school for math (my dissertation was in algebraic geometry) and it's rare that I get to discuss any of that stuff.

That's fair - I like that interpretation, and I fully admit that I'm being way too pedantic about this.

Yep, a circle is a 1-manifold. I'm not aware of any definition of "flatness" that would make sense for a 1-manifold embedded in R^2 though. One could maybe come up with a differential-geometric notion of flatness of an embedding into higher-dimensional space, but why go to that trouble for a circle? Surely that isn't

I was alive for the entirety of the 80s and let me tell you, it was a soul-dead era in which most of the pop culture was - even by the usual standards of pop culture - utterly horrific. The things we remember fondly are not indicative of a time that gave us Ronald Reagan, corporate greed on a scale that would make