
For anyone who's interested in film scoring, Tom Holkenborg has a fantastic youtube channel that's full of interesting videos about score composition, the technical aspects of scoring (mixing &c), vintage synths, sampling, etc. It's great stuff and kind of mind-blowing - for example, his temp tracks for BvS have

I'm familiar with the academic use of the term in a religious context. I am not, however, familiar with any academic context where it's used in the way that the dude above me used it. In particular, the phrase is not used as an insult in an academic context.

I honestly believe that After Last Season transcends usual notions like "good" and "bad," because you can only judge a film by those metrics when it's reasonably clear what the director is trying to do. For example, it's obvious what Wiseau was aiming for in The Room, and the distance between what he was attempting vs

At this point, anyone who uses the alt-right / white supremacist phrase "virtue signaling" gets insta-blocked. I've found that this technique greatly enhances my enjoyment of the AV Club comments. I recommend it!

Oh my god yes. I love this movie so much. After Last Season is emphatically not "so bad it's good" - there's nothing funny about it. It's a deeply unsettling view of reality itself crumbling before your eyes. As IV says, there truly are no other movies like this one. This may explain why it's not as well-known as

It's incredibly telling that the alt-right boogeyman is… colleges. Yeah, you teach those scholars a lesson for researching things!

I disagree that the binary good/bad tomato is a negative thing - the answer to "am I going to see this movie?" is binary too. And how do you propose to assign an aggregate score if reviews are non-binary?

In the early 90s, Slint, Rodan, and Sebadoh played a triple-bill at a venue that was literally two blocks from my house (I was in high school at the time). For some dumb reason I didn't go and I've been mad at myself for decades about that.

Pretty much everything McCain said was bonkers (see eg this Washington Post article for more). The thrust of his questions - or at least what could be discerned from the word salad - was basically "BUT HER EMAILS!!!" mixed with a bizarre attempt to exonerate Trump. This is why I get angry at people who defend McCain

FUCK YES. I love Beyond the Black Rainbow and I'm stoked that Panos Cosmatos is making another 80s period pieces. He's one of the few filmmakers who truly captures the feeling of that era in all of its weird retro-futuristic glory.

Private speech is used as a determining factor in every single college application, so I don't see why it can't be a factor in rescinding an application.

They used an official group chat set up by Harvard for this fuckery, though, so it falls within Harvard's remit.

they don’t believe any internet activity that’s unaffiliated with the university should be monitored, let alone result in a rejection from the school

This is a good take! I 100% support Maher's right to be a total fucking asshole, and I also 100% support everyone else's right to point out that Maher is a total fucking asshole.

I agree with all of this except that Maher isn't liberal; he's libertarian, which is much douchier. EDIT: Someone already made exactly this comment. Whoops.

There's a lot of irony in being lectured about rap by the AV Club, whose coverage of rap music generally starts and ends with Run the Jewels (not a slam on RTJ - I like them, but there's a whooooole lot more than that going on in hip-hop). And of course you can ignore Lil Yachty if you want; that's an utterly empty

This might be facile, but I reconcile this with my commie pinko leftist tendencies in the following way: the things we enjoy in movies are not at all related to the things we actually care about in real life. In fact, this directly contradiction of my morals is exactly what I enjoy about many movies, especially horror

They had “that nostalgic thing,” Kaplan explained. Grilled cheese sandwiches were the fast food equivalent of Proust’s madeleines, priming them for disruption.

While largely removed from Tom Gun

I think Billy Crudup's idiotic choices might just be the dumbest character writing in the entire series