
I doubt Alien: Covenant is going to make much more money - it's a mediocre movie and the audience I saw it with was decidedly unexcited at the end. It feels like 5 totally different movies stitched together; there's no narrative cohesion at all. One of those movies is pretty good (the one where characters die in

It seems pretty clear that the success of the franchise was entirely dependent on Paul W.S. Anderson - like him or not he's unquestionably an auteur, and he definitely brought a wild sensibility to those movies. (I'm still astonished that something as utterly batshit insane as RE: Retribution was funded & released by

I'm sorry to hear that. The good news is that it really does get better - I'm 40 now and the happiest I've ever been. Hang in there.

For sure. I went through a phase of clinical depression in my mid-20s and nobody around me knew about it. It's common to put on the mask of normality in those circumstances.

It's a misconception that suicidal people will give an indication of their plans. In fact, many show an improvement in mood in the days beforehand.

A Ted Bundy movie starring Zac Efron and directed by the guy who helmed Blair Witch 2? Absolutely nothing could go wrong with this!

Is it just me, or is that kind of an… odd premise for a Purge TV show? If it doesn't happen on Purge night, where's the story? "Hey, it's Poltergeist, except we're hanging out with the family while they're NOT being haunted by ghosts!"

For sure - I've got a lot of old 128 mp3s and I frequently listen to music in my car. The fidelity loss from wind & road noise is orders of magnitude larger than any audio compression.

I'm not even going to bother clicking on that "lessens the emotional impact" link because I'd rather not spike my blood pressure, but there are plenty of studies showing that 320-rate mp3s are indistinguishable from lossless, despite what the FLAC evangelists would have you believe. The mp3 is far from dead so I'm not

Autistic people have been using these for years as a safe way to stim without bothering people - but sure, let's just shit all over them because… why, again? I know it's the AV Club's new mandate to hate things for no apparent reason, but even by those standards this article is extra-dickish.

This is a really good observation. I'm more than willing to suspend disbelief if a movie is entertaining (see eg the Fast and Furious or Resident Evil series), but Prometheus is boring as well as completely ridiculous - a deadly combination.

That really was (among 1,000 other issues) one of the biggest problems with Prometheus: the tone was all wrong, faux-philosophical and not fun at all. What a sad wet fart of a cinematic failure. It's easily the worst of the entire franchise, and I'm including AvP 2 in that tally.

I get that, but disappointment comes with the territory when we're discussing del Toro. His take on At the Mountains of Madness could have been amazing, but it will never happen. Or, when we do get the del Toro film we think we want, it's Crimson Peak. Be careful what you wish for.

I'm not sure why this is a "devil's bargain" - Marshall is a great director (The Descent, Dog Soldiers, and Doomsday are all A++) and David Harbour is a good casting choice.

That's a good point, and I'd put End of Watch up there as a good film too. It's obvious that Suicide Squad was heavily messed with by the studio.

This sounds good, but really the biggest change from other DC movies will be that Liman is a talented director rather than a motion-ramping moviebro hack

The only possible way they could stretch this to TV length is to expand on the ending of the novella. If they don't do that then (a) they'll have an entire series set in one location and (b) it will suffer by comparison to the film, which imho is excellent.

Shudder is killing it - best $5 / month you can spend imo.

Yeah, I can't be mad at them. They're the epitome of C- rock music. Getting angry at Linkin Park is like getting angry at Wonder Bread.

It's interesting to note that anyone who complains about "radical feminism" always turns out to be a dumpster fire of a human being