
I like latter-day Scott - The Counselor and The Martian are two of the best movies he's made, imo

Alien: Resurrection is incredibly gory. (It's also a pretty good movie, dammit!)

It's worth mentioning that Robert Jackson Bennett is an excellent author - American Elsewhere is one of the best weird fiction novels I've ever read.

Oh hey looks like this comment can be used as a honeypot for misogynist trolls! I've got my blockin' trigger finger all ready

Also evidence of entitlement: domestic abuse. Fuck this guy.


No, definitely not a misogynist genius, just a regular misogynist

The suit was filed electronically on Sunday, ho is seeking class action status.

I read Path of the Hawk, the new book by Ian Graham, who might be the most slept-on author in fantasy. (Path of the Hawk hasn't been formally released in the US, but you can get cheap copies on Amazon nonetheless. For some reason, though, it's been split into two books, so you'll want to get both part 1 and part 2.)

State schools are much more racially integrated and much more welcoming to black students than private colleges. (I'm omitting HBCUs from this, of course.) This is well-known; at this point I can't tell if you're trolling or not.

Yes and no. Ivies have many broad practices that are progressive, and they try to admit students from all races and classes, but despite this there are many students - and professors - who are incredibly privileged and have blinkered worldviews, to put it kindly. (I used to be an academic at one such school.)

Ah, okay. That makes sense. That would have been useful context to add to the article, though.

The only "troublesome" thing here is the Islamophobia

For anyone who hasn't seen it yet: Overnight is an amazing documentary, and Troy Duffy is even more of a horrific douchebro than you might imagine. I already hated Boondock Saints before seeing the documentary, and it gave me a fuller, richer, more refined hatred.

Jesus, I hope I look half as good as him when I reach my mid-60s. He's got some serious Dorian Gray shit going on.

I like this, but it's a bummer that retro electronic music seems to be lagging really far behind current electronic music - I'd rather not wait until 2030 for the Autechre/Aphex Twin revival

Fox & Friends is right - the only way to tell if someone works is if they're covered in mud. That's why my office has a mud pit, so we can avoid being accused of snobbery by angry republicans

Oh good, it's Edgelord: The Movie part 2. The first Kingsman was the pure unholy essence of Reddit captured on film, so I can only imagine how fratty this one is gonna be

I wouldn't say I'm outraged, but I'm bummed that Moss is, essentially, espousing anti-feminist canards: the idea that feminism is inherently political (it is not) and the idea that feminism and universal rights are somehow at odds (they are not). Conservatives have been immensely successful at using these two

bell hooks wrote Feminism Is for Everybody over 15 years ago - the observation that feminism is a force for universal rights is not a new or radical idea