
Right, exactly! The only distinction that matters is good sfx vs bad sfx. There can be good and bad cgi just like there can be good and bad practical effects. The best directors use both (eg Peter Jackson using loads of both practical & cgi in LoTR).

There’s only more cgi in Mindhunter than I’d think if I hadn’t watched all of the other 5,000 videos The AV Club has posted about how there’s more cgi in Fincher’s movies than I’d think.

This is unsurprising. Chiller edited their movies for content, and who the hell wants to watch sanitized horror movies (outside of those PureFlix maniacs)?

They may have been contractually obligated to give it a theatrical release, in which case they did the minimum they had to in order to fulfill that obligation.

Fuck that’s depressing. I’ve always thought he was a seriously underrated character actor - he never got the respect he deserved for his fantastic performance in A Simple Plan.

You can dismiss trolls who reply to your comments (although you can’t block them any more). It’s the only upside to the Kinjapocalypse.

I just got to dismiss my first garbage response! I am mad with power! This doesn’t make up for the inability to block people, but it’s something I guess.

Hard pass! If I want to experience Mark Millar’s unique blend of brotastic misogyny and general hatefulness in full surround, I’ll just find a local frat house, thanks

To make up for the pain of Kinja, please reply to me so I can dismiss your comments and go mad with power. I promise to dismiss everyone who replies!

Why are you in the greys?! What is happening in this world?

I think replying automatically un-greys a comment. Fun times with Kinja!

Split rivaled The Happening for unintentional humor and batshit ridiculousness, so I expect Glass to be the comedy event of 2019

Oh, fuck that. There's no such thing as a "tolerable Republican," sorry

Important note: Dean Hurley, who did a lot of the great sound design this season, has put out an album of the various soundscapes and cues that we've been hearing on the show, and it's excellent:

Goddamn, I was so into that Sarah Palmer scene. I'm all for women terrorizing and murdering creepy dudes. "DO YOU WANT TO FUCK WITH THIS?"

No thanks! I am not so dead inside that I need to start hating movies that haven't come out yet! Plus, Spielberg has a history of turning subpar books (Jaws, Jurassic Park) into quality films, so I am not concerned about this.

I just want to say that you're doing A++ work in this thread, thank you

God help me I am only now just realizing that this is not a joke account, despite being an awesome parody of MRA talking points. Damn you, Poe's Law!