
No, you did not read it right. 

I had a conversation a few months ago with a friend about the pertinence of shipping usb cables with phones nowadays. I was against it because almost everyone now have a usb cable somewhere, and if you don’t have one, well, go buy one as they are cheaper than dirt now. Following that, I’m with Apple on this one : if

People complaining because a tech company doesn’t want to support a 100+ year old analog standard. Oh no, so-and-so are d**ks because they’re removing tape decks from

Ugh, i hate this attitude, especially among software engineers who like to regard users as stupid. Apple made a phone for the masses, no one else did, they cut out all the nerdy shit and gave people a phone that worked for 90% of the general population, marketing was easy after that.

Apple has given away millions of free adapters to 7, 8 and X owners. Do we really need ANOTHER one? How many people don’t have one? Entitled much?

Star for Columbo love 

“Apple is also the company that popularized the phrase ‘one more thing...’”

Wait a second! Capone was never charged with murder! He did nothing wrong!

That’s not even abuse of authority - they’re investigating credible information that crimes have been committed. That’s literally supposed to be their primary function. It’s like this guy is mad that they went after Escobar, not because he wasn’t guilty, but because he used to throw really cool parties that everyone

I read it 3 times and thought I was tripping. It was only after the fourth read when I was like ‘yup, that’s her name’......

The headlines always read something like “Reality Winner Arrested by FBI” and I instantly think that the winner of a reality show got arrested and I’m like, “Good, fuck those people.”

I’m sorry but this is too much.  I’m wondering if anyone will read the whole thing. 

Im a nihilist laissez-faire capitalist, and short sellers are just people buying something on the financial markets. A short seller does nothing to help or damage a company, any more than someone betting black ar the roulette table damages the people betting red, or the wheel itself for that matter.

That argument was soundly rejected in Roe v Wade :-)

I think it’s as much their unbreakable infatuation with Musk. Their lack of understanding of the stock market doesn’t even come into play. A negative story about Musk is printed, and they start frothing.

An amazing amount of people here don’t understand how short sales work and love Elon Musk so much they are completely willing to overlook serious securities fraud.

The commentariat’s animus against shorting is irrational and naive. Do you think people should be allowed to sell their long positions? Why? The seller is betting the stock will go down. Do you think people shouldn’t be allowed to sell borrowed securities that they’ve promised to return later? That’s what you do

You sound like a Trump fan, insisting that Dear Leader is doing a great job, no matter what happens. “Short sellers” is Musk’s version of Trump’s “Fake news media.” A convenient boogeyman to complain about anytime things go wrong.

Even if Musk is breaking the law to do so? And will ultimately damage the company in the future by insuring massive fines and lawsuits?! Just to "own the shorts?" What the fuck is wrong with people like you.

If Musk lied about funding being secured at $420, that is market manipulation and illegal. Whatever your thought on investing in companies, it's illegal for the owner of the company to straight up lie to up the stock price.